928gts - 2009-02-12 14:22
Much $$$?Even if it has had its decks serviced its pure madness. I picked up my SCR-8 for $100....
well that style was popular in the freddie kruger movie with johnny depp

so it makes it a kruger special

blah.blah.blah - 2009-02-12 14:44
what tears your wallet to pieces

don't think it will be happening for em...
looks nice though
The seller makes a good point that his boxes don't move directly from the flea market to the buyer. He seems to be conscientious about selling things that are serviced and work, and his feedback is good. That's worth something.
Originally posted by baby boomer:
The seller makes a good point that his boxes don't move directly from the flea market to the buyer. He seems to be conscientious about selling things that are serviced and work, and his feedback is good. That's worth something.
Thanks Baby Boomer. That seller is me. If anyone thinks its too much, go buy a broken one and pay somebody to do what I did to it. See what it costs you.
masterblaster84 - 2009-02-12 16:29
Seems like a really nice box but $300 with this economy seems like a stretch. Even during the peak of boombox prices I don't recall any Blockbuster selling for that much.
actually -thats one of the clearest, most honest listings with the best pictures i have ever seen --
the buyer will know EXACTLY what he paid for
I have one of these and Fatdog and I spent a good amount of time cleaning and servicing it before our meet last year. I can tell you, ou will pay out the nose for a servicetech to do it unless it's a good freind who'll help you out. Here is an example:
$50-70 just to look at it and diagnose.
$60+ an hour at least in labor. Count on at least two hours.
$? That $2 part will cost you ten. Why? Think of this...how many GF-777, Blockbuster, etc. replacement parts are out there let alone manufactured?
Point? It adds up fast. A tech is the last resort for me. A very last resort. So if all the dirty work is done, you got a good'un.

Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
Seems like a really nice box but $300 with this economy seems like a stretch. Even during the peak of boombox prices I don't recall any Blockbuster selling for that much.
That may be the case and I agree the economy is in the toliet, but im in no rush to sell it. Its for the right buyer who wants something that they dont have to wonder about.
Originally posted by oldskool69:
I have one of these and Fatdog and I spent a good amount of time cleaning and servicing it before our meet last year. I can tell you, ou will pay out the nose for a servicetech to do it unless it's a good freind who'll help you out. Here is an example:
$50-70 just to look at it and diagnose.
$60+ an hour at least in labor. Count on at least two hours.
$? That $2 part will cost you ten. Why? Think of this...how many GF-777, Blockbuster, etc. replacement parts are out there let alone manufactured?
Point? It adds up fast. A tech is the last resort for me. A very last resort. So if all the dirty work is done, you got a good'un.
And trying to get a service tech to disassemble the entire box and scrub it? I dont even think they will do that if you ask them to and if they did, imagine paying hourly for that.
masterblaster84 - 2009-02-12 16:44
Bashngu I'm having difficulty selling some of my items (not just boomboxes) for decent prices that are far less than I could have received just last summer. I agree that at some level you have to stick to your guns or you'll end up giving everything away. I'm hanging on to a few of the nicer boomers I'd considered selling just for that reason.
I do agree that the servicing is worth something but it's up to the buyers to determine what that is. I'm sure if you find a buyer they'll be pleased.
It's a decent quality box with nice styling...it will eventually sell...if an el-cheapo discolite with dead decks found at an estate sale can fetch $910 on e-bay...then this one fully functional and serviced will sell.
Check the link

masterblaster84 - 2009-02-12 16:59
I saw that one and frankly I don't think we can compare value to that low quality box. That el-cheapo draws big bucks for reasons few other boomboxes can compete with.
Maybe Lasonic should put some flashing colored LED's on the i931.

Honestly brother I do wish you luck selling your box.

panasonic.fan - 2009-02-12 17:08
Originally posted by bashngu:
Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
Seems like a really nice box but $300 with this economy seems like a stretch. Even during the peak of boombox prices I don't recall any Blockbuster selling for that much.
That may be the case and I agree the economy is in the toliet, but im in no rush to sell it. Its for the right buyer who wants something that they dont have to wonder about.
It's a good box: my only issue is with the cosmetics. You can't do anything about that. The hard work has value that absolutely translates into justifying a higher asking price, and I don't think it's unreasonable.
For the dissing crowd, keep in mind that Lasonic TRC-931's with no reconditioning regularly go for $300-400 before complaining about the asking price for this serviced classic blaster.
Originally posted by bashngu:
Originally posted by baby boomer:
The seller makes a good point that his boxes don't move directly from the flea market to the buyer. He seems to be conscientious about selling things that are serviced and work, and his feedback is good. That's worth something.
Thanks Baby Boomer. That seller is me. If anyone thinks its too much, go buy a broken one and pay somebody to do what I did to it. See what it costs you.
I have a local tech around here that has repaired a few of my decks for anywhere from $40-70 and he does a top notch job on each one.
I personally think the upper limit of a good,functioning Blockbuster is somewhere between $100-160. I'm not trying to be cynical but I really doubt you're going to find a buyer with the market in this state. Wish you luck,though.
Originally posted by 928GTS:
Originally posted by bashngu:
Originally posted by baby boomer:
The seller makes a good point that his boxes don't move directly from the flea market to the buyer. He seems to be conscientious about selling things that are serviced and work, and his feedback is good. That's worth something.
Thanks Baby Boomer. That seller is me. If anyone thinks its too much, go buy a broken one and pay somebody to do what I did to it. See what it costs you.
I have a local tech around here that has repaired a few of my decks for anywhere from $40-70 and he does a top notch job on each one.
I personally think the upper limit of a good,functioning Blockbuster is somewhere between $100-160. I'm not trying to be cynical but I really doubt you're going to find a buyer with the market in this state. Wish you luck,though.
Thanks. Nobody has to buy it but its there if they so choose. Im not going to go too far into it but there is way more to correctly overhauling these decks than throwing a few belts on it. ALOT more. Picture removing a handfull of eclips and springs and stripping off every gear and lever in order to clean the hard grease from the shafts and the pilots. Then removing the metal mechanism plates to clean between them. Not to mention the debacle it is to just get the mechanism itself out of its housing. lol. To do these particular decks correctly, thats what is needed. I'm sorry but your local tech isn't doing that for $40-$70. Add to it the other work I did on top of that. I priced the radio based on what I thought was fair. If I would have sold it as is for $85-$100 I guarantee that another $200 added at a repair shop would not bring the buyer anywhere close to what they are getting the way it is now. Remember, I didnt ask for this debate I am simply stating the facts as I know them to be. I don't feel guilty for the asking the price I have and I don't feel like i'm trying to take anyone across. This box isn't for everyone. There are many who would rather roll the dice with another in hopes for a bargain which is fair and entirely up to them. Thats really all I can say.
Every deck I've gotten back from him has worked flawlessly...
But I don't want to start anything. I was just saying that some of us approach this hobby with a different budget than others. Some of us have a lot of other hobbies and thus have to split our money a lot of ways(like me)and some people have the extra money to pay more for boxes they like.
I guess I'm just supremely budget conscious which is sort of par for the course when you're a college student and $300 could be spent and split so many ways.
transamguy1977 - 2009-02-12 18:52
This is the exact reason why I am not selling any more boxes as of late.
Not worth getting beat up.
Unless you need the money I wouldn't sell for any less than you have it listed for.
Just list up a broken Lasonic and you are sure to make the 400.00 deal
blah.blah.blah - 2009-02-12 18:57
no offense intended

everything is worth what someone is willing to pay and it's totally your right to set what price you want for it.
obviously the "in the wild" aspect most of us share probably makes touchy on price, does me anyhow...
Originally posted by transamguy1977:
Just list up a broken Lasonic and you are sure to make the 400.00 deal

All I can say is time is worth $$$, and if you have alot of time into something you should get back for that time especially when the person paying wont lose any time cleaning and repairing

There will always be price police on the internet. With any vintage collectible it is truly worth what someone is willing to pay. This Blockbuster is now in MY possession and I can truly say it's worth every penny of what I paid.
While I do like to dabble in repair here and there my time is worth a lot to me. I like spending time with my wife and 2 kids and have lot's of other hobbies so quality means quite a bit to me in a case like this. I collect and restore vintage arcade games and have a dedicated game room in my basement so that takes up most of my hobby time:
http://www.zfcamaro.com/ArcadePictures/gameroom.htmlhttp://www.zfcamaro.com/Arcade...res/Games/alcott.pdfI had been looking for a Blockbuster for a while now but I'm very picky and wanted a keeper. Knowing the detail of work that went into restoring this and the fact the seller knows what he's doing means a lot in terms of price and sale.
I can tell you that there is not one piece of dirt, dust, or grime on this Box inside and out and you would be hard pressed to find another in this condition. Few people completely disassemble, clean, replace parts, and restore to this level. It plays like it did when it was new and I could not be more pleased. Negativity really does nothing productive in the long run, If a price is too high an item won't sell. There is no need to bash just for the sake of bashing.
Long story short, I finally have a Blockbuster I am proud to own and haven't stopped listening to it since I picked it up this morning and would not hesitate to buy from Brian again. I know if any of my friends are looking to get a quality box I will send them his way. Oh, and if anyone ever finds a New in Box Blockbuster....Well, let's just say you have a buyer

great post --nothing is better than getting what you really want -and from a trusted seller --
it is just my own opinion --and whenever i express this --there are often so many 'arguments' in favor of -- bashing sellers and prices
like "thanks for the heads up"

but i want to say again --that the next time we have these 'all gang-up-on-a seller' negative threads --
should be never --
peace (i hope)

transamguy1977 - 2009-02-14 18:43
Very sweet home arcade!!!!
My brotherinlaw restores retro arcade games as well.
I help out from time to time and end up enjoying them in my own home as well.
Congrats on the GE she is a great box
Thank you much! The Game Room is pretty much done minus a few other machines I'd like to get in the future. But compared to the cost of that hobby this one is a bit more refreshing

I fear I may have started something though... I find myself looking around the game room seeing which Arcade Games are flat on top to see how many more Boom Boxes I could get

transamguy1977 - 2009-02-15 09:47
You have been bitten by the bug you better get vaccinated quick

Here is the Ms Pacman we worked on together.
I only restored the control panel and coin mechs and door.
he did the rest. I wish I had a finished shot It came out beautiful.
panasonic.fan - 2009-02-15 10:12
Glad to see it found a happy buyer. That's a sick gameroom you have there. I collected for about 10 years, had to sell everything when I moved about 5 years ago and have greatly regretted doing so ever since.
Enjoy the Blockbuster, and welcome to the site.
Riddle me this, Riddle me that!

Welcome Riddler to the site!

Luckily all the parts for Ms. Pacman are out there and have been reproduced. Try finding an original overlay for a Krull

I did but it took a while. People's reactions when they see it make it all worth while. The HAVAC guy was here for a service call and when he rounded the corner we could hear him yell out "Holy S$%T!!"

I brought the Blockbuster to work the other day and showed everyone, it was the first box many of them had seen in about 20 years. I finally had to put it away because we weren't getting anything done....
riddler --you did just fine on that price --
last night --on ebay - this same model , with a broken deck --and probably not even 1/2 as clean as yours sold for $$ alot
panasonic.fan - 2009-02-17 07:29
That was an overpay for that model. They usually go for about $100 in nice cosmetic shape and in need of work.
That said, you still got a good deal for the one you bought with all of the work that was put into it.
Yeah I was surprised at that one too, there was another Blockbuster that just sold for $62 as well. Prices for these things are all over the place it seems. I'm more than happy with the purchase.
Welcome Riddler!
I like your arcade room! A big Lasonic TRC-975 would be nice in there

Concerning your box, if you're happy it's the most important. GE does not appeal to me that much so I would not put any money on this box anyway. But...I would do it for an "El cheapo" like the discolite so "les gouts et les couleurs..."
Welcome to the forum again!
Hah, funny you should mention that. The TRC-975 was my box to get for the longest time. I kind of still want one though, they look pretty crazy.