petey.awol - 2009-02-08 16:15
I offered $20 for this. What the hell would I be able to do with this? Im not Transamguy. I dont know have his Shaolin Paint Styles.
Also, not too sure on its functionality yet...waiting for a reply.
wow . . spoilt !
transamguy1977 - 2009-02-08 17:19
wow thats sad.
That is beyond sad.

Wasnt that a prop from one of the Friday the 13th movies?
I dont know...looks like someone was carving up a cow in a slaughter house while blasting some Bambaatta.
TA Guy...this is beyond paintable right? You seem to be the resident paint restorer. Alledgely it was used in a photoshoot. So God knows what kind of paint was actually used to desecrate this momma.
(Still awaiting to see if my $20 offer is good. At this rate whats 20 bucks right?)
I'd give you 20 bucks for it.

petey !!!

but wouldnt spend even 20 on that one --
UNLESS you needed the internal parts for a 770
(except i already bought your 770)
-or that deck fits an 880
Ira, when i seen this radio...I totally kicked myself.
Simply put, that box is f*cked up!

Originally posted by MONOLITHIC:
Simply put, that box is f*cked up!

petey --i have done nothing to your 770 since you sent it --so i WILL sell/trade it back to you - if you do end up with this $20 job-
but -- dont forget --nothing on the inside may be operable.
No worrys Ira. If this things works and I can't get the gunk off it...I might just go crazy and customize the hell out of it. Graff it up and make it look "presentable"
ok petey --at least you are in for some cheap box fun

transamguy1977 - 2009-02-08 19:54
Well forget about restoring it.
Customizing it ,maybe.
Getting whatever it is off the clear parts like the dial and cassette door will be a challenge but not impossible.
I dont know what your time is worth but i can tell you this you will be spending alot of it trying to get this one straight.
DUDE,I have a Aiwa CS770MK1 like this. The front and back housing and cassette door if you need them.
Damn Petey!

See what you can do man. Lot's of help available here along the way.

What ever happened to that painted up M90 Henry had a month or so ago?
Ira? Do you know what happened?
Originally posted by skippy1969:
Poor Aiwa CS770........ Thats a shame.
I wonder if the battery door is the same as for the Sanyo mx650 ? Hummm

Originally posted by killdamon:
Originally posted by skippy1969:
Poor Aiwa CS770........ Thats a shame.
I wonder if the battery door is the same as for the Sanyo mx650 ? Hummm
Nope sorry thought of that already......

It is different.....

Id like to have a 770 like this one to keep my Minty 770a company on the shelf!