bredgeo - 2009-03-10 07:44
Yes, so.....
Are you a person who has an M90 with only one originql aerial?
Are you frustrated about this?
Do you wish you had a pair (two units) of perfectly adaptable JVC RC M90 aerials?
And you are not at all fussy that the NEW adaptable RC M90 aerials are not from the 80ies, but you are happy to know that they are from Japan and that they are made for your almost pefect M90?
Well, look no further... For I am here to trade these:
For the ONE (1) original that you have.
For me, I would really love to have an original aerial, from the 80ies, for I DO GET FRUSTRATED!

And that is why I am offering this trade...

Thank you!
Any question or offers, please PM.
Yes, that describes me. I will take them... What are you looking to trade for? Cash Money?
OK, you edited your original post to include info on what you want to trade for. I may be able to help. I have an M90 that has two antenna... one with a broken tip, one perfect. But I have no idea if either of them is original. What are specs for an original antenna?
Looking to trade the pair of adaptable Japanese made RC M90 aerials for
1 JVC RC M90 aerial from your M90 from the 80ies...

Can you post a picture of your original M90 antenna? Then I can see if my one good one matches what you are looking for. Thanks!
OK, you edited your original post to include info on what you want to trade for. I may be able to help. I have an M90 that has two antenna... one with a broken tip, one perfect. But I have no idea if either of them is original. What are specs for an original antenna?
OKAY!!!!!! We are getting somewhere!!!!
So, an aerial from the 80ies will have these:
2 notches holding the tip, adaptable has 1... and the adaptable has 3 telescopic rods the original has 4.
And the end is the exact size of the holder (I put it a 8 1/2mm, but it is actually 8mm -do not ask me in the old imperial system, I do not know it...

There you go.
If you say yes to the trade I will also take your broken aerial (what the hell... it may come in handy one day!).
What is the length of the original antenna?
26.5mm (give or take 1mm) the exact same length as the adaptables.
The only differences are those three mentioned.
Hmmmm... don't get too excited. It kind of sounds like my two antenna (broke and OK) are not original. I think there are only one notch and 3 telescopic rods on those. I will have to check...
Are we 100% sure that JVC never used different antenna during the years the M90 was made?

Well.... We will see.... keep me posted.
If not, I do not know if they used other rods than the 2notch for rod aerials.
I have seen a fe M90 (pics and real) they all seemed to have the 2 and 4...
We will have a look/ask arond some of the members to see how their's are.
bredgeo and spud are both originals.

hey guys, I just checked my M90 antenna's... both original... they are 4 rods and one notch... here are some pics if this helps...
Hummmm. Damn.... Okay.
I know the M90s I have seen (including Mine and my brothers originally bought from the days M90) has the double tip notch and the four big rods (5 counting the small tip rod).
But these seem to all have 1 notch and 3 big rods (4 counting the small tip rod)...???

So, did they use different aerials along the years?????
My original has double notch and 4 big rods (5 counting the small).
Any one wanna trade 2 rods for their one original double notch 5 rod antenna?