oldskool69 - 2008-02-13 19:43
If you don't have one you should get one. Just do a search on this site for endorsements!

If you're in Florida:
Craigstlist Tampa/St.PeteAnd the 'Bay from Duluth, GA:
RX-DT680 on eBayThe one in Tampa has the remote. The eBay in Duluth, Ga. does not if it makes a difference.

I used to have one that i bought brand new in the 90's and cost me over $400.00 here in Canada. It was worth every penny too because the sound is awesome!

the one in Fla. is a great price! One of the best sounding units out there.
They sure are one of the best boxes out there i love mine.
peter.griffin - 2008-02-14 09:52
yup, have me a dt690

amazing sound, deep bass

panasonic.fan - 2008-02-14 14:06
The 680 is a better purchase than the 690 for one reason:
the aux input.
I have both, and the 690 is great, but I cannot figure out why in the world they didn't put one on that model.
I find the 680 also looks so much better

peter.griffin - 2008-02-14 14:54
yeah, I freaked when I noticed it didn't have one. But, it introduced me to the world of "FM transmitters"

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
The 680 is a better purchase than the 690 for one reason:
the aux input.
I have both, and the 690 is great, but I cannot figure out why in the world they didn't put one on that model.
Shame on you Panafan!

The DT-680 has a CD OUT on the rear. Their non logic controlled brothers without a CD had a line in(AUX). I am surprised if the DT-690 did not have a CD OUT. I know they only had a four band EQ versus a five band, but had three way speakers. I have heard that you can run a DT-680 CD OUT like a line in(AUX) by using a blank CD-R while having a source attached. Haven't tried it though. Would be nice to have a line in(AUX) and one good deck. Hmmmm....

peter.griffin - 2008-02-14 16:05
it's a 4 band eq, but the X-Bass nob adjust the bass at the lowest frequency. Let me see if the dt690 has a cd-out.
I've never had a 680,but I have a RX-DS780.It had similar styling but has single cassette and no cd player. I had a 690 before,I liked it a lot.My fav Biamped so far "NON EGG type" is my RX-DT670. It straight out pounds!

Like P.F said abot the 690,it too has no inputs.

I'll chime in on this one from the lower end of the range; the RX-DT610 which really has a 5 band EQ where the lowest band is the XBS knob. I suspect this to be the case across the range.
It still sounds great though.
No aux-in? I'm with PF.
I too was foxed as to why this range of RX-DTs had no aux-in.
Here how my train of thought went:
At the time that these RX-DTs were new, it was
ALL about CD, remember?
Adding a CD player to a b-box was still seen as something special. Maybe they thought that if you had a CD, twin tape & a tuner what else could you possibly want to run through the b-box? ...& don't say a record-player, vinyl was "dead", remember

It wasn't just Panasonic either. I have a few like this from this age, such as the zenith of the Hitachi 3D range, the excellent CX-W700.
Most b-boxes from this age that did have aux-in called it "CD in".
The "CD out" was there because they thought this might be your only CD player & you'd run it through your home system.
Here's something to try:
Plug an audio input into the "CD out" RCAs.
Switch the to CD (with no disc in) & see if the aux in comes out of the speakers.
I think NED did something similar with a Philips & it worked.
If it all blows up/catches fire/etc. you didn't hear it from me, right?

peter.griffin - 2008-02-15 07:09
cool, I'll try that with the DT690. If it blows up, I'll be visiting surrey U.K.

Originally posted by isolator42:
I'll chime in on this one from the lower end of the range; the RX-DT610 which really has a 5 band EQ where the lowest band is the XBS knob. I suspect this to be the case across the range.
It still sounds great though.
Here is the DT-680. Five Band EQ and S-XBS Boost. The difference between it and the 690 apparently are no RCA IN/OUT at all on the 690. The 680 has a CD-OUT. The 690 has a four band EQ while the 680 has a five band. The 690 has three way speakers, the 680 two way. I think after that there is no other real difference other than the 690 is rounder.
peter.griffin - 2008-02-15 11:17
Cool, good info Oldsckool

The manual calls the midrange speakers, "squakers", got a laugh out of that

Originally posted by peter griffin:The manual calls the midrange speakers, "squakers", got a laugh out of that
Yep, the old term for "midrange".

Oh I also forgot...The DT-680 looks better than the DT-690!

Originally posted by oldskool69:
Originally posted by peter griffin:The manual calls the midrange speakers, "squakers", got a laugh out of that
Yep, the old term for "midrange".

Oh I also forgot...The DT-680 looks better than the DT-690!

Definately because it does not have that dumb knob volume button in the center of the front. More class!
peter.griffin - 2008-02-15 13:24
Hey, you guys are hurt'n the 690's feelings, come on give it some love

So sorry 690

Originally posted by peter griffin:
Hey, you guys are hurt'n the 690's feelings, come on give it some love
i gave my dt-680 to my girlfriend she couldn't believe the sound. she was very happy with it and i got a nice reward.

Originally posted by autobot84:
i gave my dt-680 to my girlfriend she couldn't believe the sound. she was very happy with it and i got a nice reward.
I'm sure it felt as good as the DT-680 sounds!

I love my RX-DT680's but both of them their cassette mechanism are out, I've tried everything so off to a techy guy. I wonder what this will cost me sh*t!
They tend to go schizo when the contacts in the top of the cassette wells get oxidized. I cleaned mine and they worked great!

Til' I busted my main board accidentally!

hey guys any members own both a dt 680 and a rx c100? what is the sound comparison between these 2 great panasonics?
Hey oldskool69 could you give me description exactly where are the cassette wells, are these the black plastic wheels which turns the casstte tape. I'm not a techy so my way of tech lingo may not be so great.
Originally posted by ford93:
Hey oldskool69 could you give me description exactly where are the cassette wells, are these the black plastic wheels which turns the casstte tape. I'm not a techy so my way of tech lingo may not be so great.
The wells are where you insert the cassettes. If you feel with your finger across the top inside of the wells you'll feel the switches that tell the mainboard which well has a cassette loaded, record tab in/out on the cassette, and metal/CrO2 tape. These are attached to copper contact switches that get oxidized over time.

OK I've already tried with contact cleaner but to no avail.
I'll post the fix in the tech section in a bit. It'll take a little more than deoxit. This may solve the problem unless it's something in the control boards.

Hey oldskool69, just picked up that RX-DT680 from that craigslist you posted. I bought it for $30 bucks not bad, she's in great condition only one thing tape deck (1) plays on ocassion tape deck (2) plays well. So I guess is those sensors again. All else works I also have the original remote and manual. Man the guy still had D cell batteries in the box and it weighted a ton!

Congrats! Glad I could be of help for another member! Now send me a copy of the manual!

Enjoy the unit and lets see some pics!

Well I used a nail filer on the sensors and guess what tape deck (2) is now functioning on the newbie. My original DT680 I've tried everything nothing, also my third box tape deck (1) is functioning tape deck (2) for some reason it activates but then retreats.Hey olskool69 what board are you having a problem pm me OK.