henrytai - 2009-03-09 13:48
henry is always a good member to get boxes from.

Henry please check your P.M. Thanks.

If I didn't need to buy a new Windshield for my Mustang "damn rocks!" That RX-7700 would be mine for sure....

they are almost the same and they are both awesome machines, but the 1000 has more programs in the auto search system...
plus the 1000 has chrome caps . right ??
and are there any other cosmetic differences?
yes it has on all 4...the 999 is just the opposite they are all black...the 1,000 is mostly blue has different doors and the 999 is mostly black or very dark brown...very stealthy
thanks again , baster --
you da man on this big GF series

n/p rbj..oh yeah i,ve had the whole 777 family...

somebody got a great deal for 350.00

awesome box