- 2009-03-22 21:50
Kind of lofty expectations there.....
$479 for a Kaboom?
just a few months ago --
on this forum.....
i posted my new RV-NB1 here for $125
ie --buy from MEMBERS !!!

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
just a few months ago --
on this forum.....
i posted my new RV-NB1 here for $125
ie --buy from MEMBERS !!!
Yes buy from members.......

Or you can pay $425 for an "adult used for 5 months" RV-NB20W
Thats nuts!!! That model doesn't even play cassettes.......

Originally posted by skippy1969:
Thats nuts!!! That model doesn't even play cassettes.......'s Errr.....huh REALITY
OR...if you want a MINT RV-B99 with a busted cassette deck you can pay $280
I don't get it I guess.......

Originally posted by skippy1969:
I don't get it I guess.......
skippy, it's easy...people WANT Kabooms...not everyone wants a "real boombox""retro boombox" like a C-100, M-90, but they want something "newer" and more modern looking...i personally am not a fan of the big Kabooms so i'm selling all of mine off...they are pointless in my collection at this point, and when they are ALL gone Conion #22 will be coming

...i still think the Kaboom is better to own then an el cheapo used $500 Lasonic TRC-931 or a $900 discolite

I know I have a Kaboom,but I didn't even pay close to that for it. I love mine.

I double

buy from members all the way

. Trust me I write for experience, Packing done stereo2Go proof, Constant communication, ANd at the another happy member, That is the Stereo2Go way

Originally posted by skippy1969:
I know I have a Kaboom,but I didn't even pay close to that for it. I love mine.
wonder where you got it ???

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
Originally posted by skippy1969:
I know I have a Kaboom,but I didn't even pay close to that for it. I love mine.
wonder where you got it ???
Definitely not from e-Pay
-gsbadbmr - 2009-03-22 23:18
There isn't a Kaboom in existence that's worth more than what it sold for new at this point.
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
Originally posted by skippy1969:
I know I have a Kaboom,but I didn't even pay close to that for it. I love mine.
wonder where you got it ???
Hmmmmm I wonder??????????

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
There isn't a Kaboom in existence that's worth more than what it sold for new at this point.
Again, it's not about what it's "worth" here and ESPECIALLY on e-Pay and this is something people need to clearly's what someone is willing to pay which is important...Kabooms are fetching big money even with the economy the way it is...the above links prove just that

Hmmmm....i wonder what a Gold Conion C-100 would be "worth"
$4,314 plus s/h
here too. Nuts.
However there are good deals on epay if you are quick enough. Or if you have a friend looking out for you. I just got
mine for a pretty good deal it seems.

Originally posted by 71spud:
here too. Nuts.
The auction winner is a member here.
Originally posted by Fatdog:
The auction winner is a member here.
I'm the guilty party on that one. In my defense...
The seller had a reserve, and I met the reserve without going over at the last second. The reserve hadn't been met up 'til then. Had I bid any less, I wouldn't have got it.
The "Boomblaster" is the Euro/world version of the Kaboom, and it cost me less in this auction than shipping one here from Europe would've cost. (And hopefully it's safer, too.)
If you follow my (psychotic) bidding patterns, you know that I try to accumulate all versions of boxes I like. This Euro Boomblaster will go into my Kaboom collection alongside a bunch of other versions, including a new RV-NB 10 that I just recently found collecting dust on a shelf at a Meijer store (Michigan chain) for a clearance price of $150. If I wanted to rationalize, I could say that the money I saved on the Meijer purchase I just spent on the B99 auction. Like Seinfeld said in a famous episode: I must be a well-balanced sort of guy. Everything in my life seems to come out even in the end.
Finally, the B99 is boxed with all the original stuff (still has the sticker over the right front speaker) and has - if we can believe the seller... and I have no reason not to - only a couple of indoor uses on its resumé. I think that's worth something.
Yeah, I suppose $355 was a little high, but not for what I got. Figuring $200 or so for the average used Kaboom, the specialness of this unit deserves some extra loot. Lots of us, I suspect, have bid high for things we really want or that complete a collection. Truth is, I'm not sorry I did it.
Originally posted by 71spud:
here too. Nuts.
Yeah, but Spud, not too long ago you outbid me for a small JVC RC-561JW (with a clock) for $215... at least twice what it's worth. Like gsbadbmr says above, it's not really about what something is or isn't "worth"; it's about what someone is willing to pay for something. And when that something is a special part of a collection, its value (at least to the collector) tends to go up. I'm sure you'd agree with that.
Originally posted by baby boomer:
Originally posted by 71spud:
here too. Nuts.
Yeah, but Joel, not too long ago you outbid me for a small JVC RC-561JW (with a clock) for $215... at least twice what it's worth. Like Gordie says above, it's not really about what something is or isn't "worth"; it's about what someone is willing to pay for something. And when that something is a special part of a collection, its value (at least to the collector) tends to go up. I'm sure you'd agree with that.
Well said baby boomer.
Originally posted by baby boomer:
Originally posted by 71spud:
here too. Nuts.
Yeah, but Spud, not too long ago you outbid me for a small JVC RC-561JW (with a clock) for $215... at least twice what it's worth. Like gsbadbmr says above, it's not really about what something is or isn't "worth"; it's about what someone is willing to pay for something. And when that something is a special part of a collection, its value (at least to the collector) tends to go up. I'm sure you'd agree with that.
That was you? BTW it was only $210... not $215. What do you think I am..... NUTS!!!

You should have stuck with your first bid of $108 instead of upping it to $208 in the last few seconds. Could have saved me a C-note.....

Originally posted by baby boomer:
Originally posted by Fatdog:
The auction winner is a member here.
I'm the guilty party on that one. In my defense...
Well just be careful... That seller is the one who took 2 months to send out that JVC PC-6 (listed as PC-3) I won. I really thought he had sold it off to someone else and was yanking me around. He travels out of the country and cannot email when he is gone for security reasons and needs to be "debriefed" when he comes home. After a month of giving me opportunities to back out of the transaction about once a week.... he finally got around to saying he would take payment on it. But then it had to be paid in 24 hours or he would cancel the deal. And after I paid over $800 he stopped emailing me for 3 weeks until I told him I was coming to CA to pick it up myself if I didn't get a tracking number in 48 hours. I got a tracking number in 24 hours and 2 days later it arrived. The only up side is that it was a very good unit and exactly as described.
Keep on his a$$ is all I can say....
Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
There isn't a Kaboom in existence that's worth more than what it sold for new at this point.
Hmmm...i beg to differ Panasonic Fan, and let me have a chance to explain, and prove why:
I posted my New In Box Kaboom late yesterday evening with a "Buy It Now" price of $479.00...i have been watching the Kabooms sell for A LOT now for quite some time, even with the economy in it's current state. I never had any "lofty expectations" whatsoever on this auction from the was priced accordingly and the new owner who made the purchase will have a beautiful/MINT Kaboom, despite how much he paid for was sold in LESS than 15 hours and to be honest i could have sold it for more

Having sold this JVC so quickly, it brings up the "touchy" topic of boombox prices which i never like to get involved with, with that being said, i think my quick sale of the Kaboom proves a GOOD point which i'm sure most here will comprehend without having to go into further detail

. Some here will find the BIN for my Kaboom expensive, other collectors such as myself that monitor e-Bay auctions and know that these sell like "hotcakes" know that it was actually not a bad deal at all...especially as far as e-bay standards go. I didn't just pull the $479.00 price tag out of a hat, i actually posted a link to an auction that finished minutes before i listed mine actually find it quite amusing, most of the "somebody is dreaming" or "lofty expectations" or any other auctions along those lines that have a big price tag listed here on S2G in the "For Sale" section...OFTEN IMO it's absolutely pointless posting threads about us "dreamer" sellers, especially if the supposed "dreamer" sellers is a member here such as myself

. Big BIN's, and high priced items on e-Bay are for the "high rollers"...and it WILL always be like this. Sure, you can get great deals on e-Bay...but when it comes to POPULAR items such as NIB/MINT auction pretty much sums it all up
Now i need to go pack this Kaboom to ensure it's safe arrival to the new owner!
Originally posted by 71spud:
That was you? BTW it was only $210... not $215. What do you think I am..... NUTS!!!

You should have stuck with your first bid of $108 instead of upping it to $208 in the last few seconds. Could have saved me a C-note.....
All it takes on eBay is for two people to play the same game (Gigantor Snipe), and one of them will get caught. But, hey, at least you got the box... and for only $100 more than you expected! I would've easily gone $300+ for that 561 if I'd've known I had such serious competition. (And something tells me I still wouldn't have won it!) That little baby was gonna be the last piece in my JVC puzzle!

In any case... welcome to the Nuts Bidders Club.

As for the Kaboom seller, I guess I'll cross that bridge when and if I get to it. There's always that wonderful Paypal purchase guarantee, if I need it.
The truth is that people sell, people buy. What they want to make the transaction for, is up to the buyer and seller. Why shouldn't they get the most for whatever they sell? It's simple as the law of supply and demand. I want to sell you a 12oz can of oxygen for $20,000, and you accept? Who is anyone to even say anything?
You either got the loot, or you don't. Can't get upset about it. Ebay is designed for the higest bidder, or for the guy who is willing to BIN. Just because a Picasso sould at Sotherby's for 2.5 million dollars; should I be mad that I didnt have 2.6 million?
GS...Congrats on a successful sale.
Originally posted by Petey Awol:
The truth is that people sell, people buy. What they want to make the transaction for, is up to the buyer and seller. Why shouldn't they get the most for whatever they sell? It's simple as the law of supply and demand. I want to sell you a 12oz can of oxygen for $20,000, and you accept? Who is anyone to even say anything?
You either got the loot, or you don't. Can't get upset about it. Ebay is designed for the higest bidder, or for the guy who is willing to BIN. Just because a Picasso sould at Sotherby's for 2.5 million dollars; should I be mad that I didnt have 2.6 million?
GS...Congrats on a successful sale.
Well said Petey
-gsbadbmr - 2009-03-25 08:44
Interestingly though, if what you say is true then the model you are selling has literally doubled in value in what..... 6 months?
They were going for $250 and less last year.
Now come on, please, someone set me straight here.
Does this now mean the Kaboom is no longer on sale new?
I posted a little while ago, worried that Kabooms were no longer on the JVC web-site & someone sorted me out, but I can't find that post now...

If you can't buy it new anymore, it goes *some* way to explaining these crazy prices... people scrabbling around for the last few, etc.