Really good condition Sharp GF-515 up for grabs!
Got this from a member, so its been in the family quite a while.
Line in works great, radio works great, Cassettes do everything but play on the 'second reel'. Meaning the tape gets pushed forward, but doesnt pick up the slack. However, FF and RW are perfect.
It has a few stains, but overall is complete and clean.
$120 shipped
Thank you for your interest!
Two Reel 2 Reel Cassettes included...
$100 shipped to your door!
hello to you, may can i buy this radio ? please tell me. i am staying in florida usa for this month. can i buy ?
Thank you for your interest... PM sent!

JEff, you dont play around. Straight up a good deal there.
nice looking one

Thank you both!

Sadly folks... this ones a gonner.
Anyone want to take a guess as to who?
Hint: 'The Big Apple - Wood Grain'

Thanks Bud!!!
Tattle tale. HAHA.
jaredscottfla - 2009-04-23 13:38


i have the pay-pal, how do i get it to you for this radio ? very good
No disrespect. Gain confidence.
what is that to mean ? is this radio ship to my brothers house in florida ? why is there no answer ? very good and thank you
Thank you Petey.
I dig your style...
As stated already, this box is gone.
First cash in hand wins.
I believe that is only fair to all interested parties. And there were several.
Thank you Sugarhill for your interest.
jaredscottfla - 2009-04-24 12:09

u snooze u lose
thats funny snooze to lose. but i were trying to gather your informations to send this money but you did not reply. thats ok tho, now i know how to trust you. very good
You sent me a PM asking if it was still available.
I sent you a PM back. Check your PM file.
You did not respond to my PM saying that yes, it was still available at that time.
Several others were also interested, one of them stepped up and claimed it right away. First who pays, wins.
Do not ever ask me about a box I am selling again. I will NOT do business with you now, or ever.
I have spoken.
sugarhill dawson Posted Wed April 22 2009 04:04 PM
can i buy this please ? in usa florida
Registered: Tue March 24 2009
JLF Posted Wed April 22 2009 04:25 PM Hide Post
I have paypal if you want to pay me that way? How did you want to pay?
I will very carefully box and ship with tracking and insurance!
Let me know, and thank you!
Its easy to pass judgement on others, but when the facts can be backed up... You look like a fool.
I hope every established member here views this thread and takes heed.
Being straight forward and a good person to deal with is actually a very easy thing to do.
I guess some lessons are just too hard to learn in life.
Come on Sugarhill Dawson get with the program already. Your really pissing people off here and soon no one is going to want to even speak to you noless sell you anything. It's really easy.
Step one PAYMENT.
Step two your will get your boombox.
Easy as that........

well i am still learing the english and i dont know everything yet so i mistake. as far as pissing on people, you are incorrect to say this. i have monies and i do nothing wrong to anyone. if you are mad at me sounds like youre problems , for i have done nothing but trying to buy radios. i told you i have pay-pal. you act like a little baby sucking on the mommies nipples. wahhhhhhh
there is not a need to treat someone news this way. i only asked to buy something . i was never mad or mean to everyone
jaredscottfla - 2009-04-25 09:05
many peoples here have been verry nice to me so i spare them of this dispute which is wasting this sites spaces. I agree to disagree and will not say another word about it. i am sorry that mine english is bad to make people angry. i will try to stay out of the ways.
i get a radio to fix now. i have some work to do. sorry again if i say things that will not belong here. i will keep to the radio topics only.
all done, very good.
Originally posted by billpc55:
Originally posted by sugarhill dawson:
well i am still learing the english and i dont know everything yet so i mistake. as far as pissing on people, you are incorrect to say this. i have monies and i do nothing wrong to anyone. if you are mad at me sounds like youre problems , for i have done nothing but trying to buy radios. i told you i have pay-pal. you act like a little baby sucking on the mommies nipples. wahhhhhhh
you came to this site first you posted as a male.
somewhere along the way you decided you are a female.
that is fine it is your choice. it is the internet and you can be who ever you wish to be.
it is beyond foolish for you to assume tho that people would trust you at this point to sell you anything.
i also find it odd to say the least how your english skills have degraded since the time you claimed to be a girl.
it is extremely bad form you have displayed with your lies and foolish charade.
no one thinks it is funny and most importantly it detracts from your already questionable character.
i am surprised you have been allowed to remain a member of this site after posting originally as a male named greg from pittsburgh to somehow transforming in a girl from florida.
if that isnt trying to take the piss out on people then i dont know what is.
some of us where born at night,but i can assure you none of us were born last night.
posing as someone you are not makes you a troll.
jaredscottfla - 2009-04-25 16:59
i telled everyone along the way, i have my brother in florida usa make this site for me. he is gregory. i am a femmale and i can have the proof. since my english is not good he did the site for me. i picked my picture i wanted and he did them for me. i am not sure why you are so much a cry baby and a parionoid. i would look to a doctor before u you break. belive what you want and but i am a girl and i try to be nice. i am not causeing any trouble only tried to buy a radio here and even i offered to send the money first and then he could send me the radio since he asked how to trust me. i have the emails to say so if you are still paranoided. some people come here to learn and buy radios and you make thems feel like a lier ? who are you ? not good form, not at all.
i said this before but now i am done. i proved i am good and that you have parionoids.
please leave me alone
i am sure there is medication for what ever illness you suffer from.
i could not care less what bovine scatological fueled story you might spin. you are a total con artist and that is a fact.
you cant even remember your own lies for that matter.
one thing you will learn very quickly about this site is people look after eachother here.
we might come from different places and walks of life,but make no mistake about it this is a community of people with a common interest.
we might not all like one another,we might even hate eachother at times.
however one thing has been a absolute since being here from day one.
that is when someone is trying to get something under false pretenses we watch out for eachother.
the moderators might not be on top of things all the time. but i can assure you that the stench of your act is quite apparent.
the thing about the internet is you can run in and call who ever you want anything you want then run out with little or no consequence.
well thats fine.
i can assure you tho the chances of you buying anything from anyone here are slim to none.
you are a liar by your own admission.
who am i.
i am someone who stands up for his fellow members here when a fraud comes along and starts flinging their stench filled spin on things around.
go ahead push whatever buttons you want type what ever you want.
there is nothing that could or would change my opinion of the absolute scumbag i think and know you are.
or how about in this post happened to your english skills along the way.
did you huff one to many hits of your magic pipe.
i mean come on come clean with your lies.
it just makes you looks stupider than you already do look. - 2009-04-25 23:10
This needs to stop.
hey pan fan have you seen
this. seems kinda fishy dont you think.
I love you guys....Sorry, I just said a couple words.....
Jeff knows me. End of story. If ya'll need my rep, ask him. We have done bizzzznesss, several times. I recomend Jeff before I even recieved anything. I know his sh*t is legit.
Thanks Petey.... Your good people, and that reputation is well known here.
Peace Bro!