cantbearsed - 2009-05-11 03:38
okay, so theres an auction on ebay going for all 3 of these boxes, but im only really interested in one (either the sharp or one of the crowns) as i can't afford all 3. is anyone up for taking the other 2? could do a combined bid type tying. uk only as well.
im.out.of.hear - 2009-05-11 04:23
andre i would but the guy wont ship..shame..
well its only 30 minutes on the train from london. i could go pick them up when i go home to london after uni but someone might be closer i figured.
im.out.of.hear - 2009-05-11 06:49
yep i bet yo ass someone will get them before you or and/me,some peoples pockets are deeper than others mate..
geoffhartwell - 2009-05-11 10:09
id be interested in one of the crowns, im not far from the seller, can could ship to anyone eles who's interested
im.out.of.hear - 2009-05-11 14:46
hey jeoff,i`m in on what ever is left,i dont know which one andre wants,i`m not bothered,if its the right money i`ll have anything,i`m not fussy me..
id really like the sharp if thats cool with you paul? guess we'll keep an eye out on the auction and see how much it goes for, then split the cost 3 ways (or is a crown worth more than a sharp or vica-versa)?
would be cool if you could collect/post it for me geoff
geoffhartwell - 2009-05-11 15:13
i think the sharp is worth more, but then again it does have damage, will post to you no probs
nice one geoff! yeah, still fairly new to this so don't know how much they're all worth and it isn't 100% perfect. but anyway i'll pay my fair share. how much d'you reckon it'll go for? just so i can get my funds in order.