skippy1969 - 2008-08-11 05:51
0 feedback newbie. Sometimes it's hard to figure out where to point your camera. Nice shot of the foot... and that silver, uh, thing...

Originally posted by baby boomer:
0 feedback newbie. Sometimes it's hard to figure out where to point your camera. Nice shot of the foot... and that silver, uh, thing...
I seen this, uh whatever, late last nite and dismissed it

I didnt want to rub this new person's listing into his name on ebay and get to thinking that if he is a (tech for Dell cpu's){dellcomputertech2008} then he should know how to make a picture, or just the cpu tech stuff
but after all -- the seller did capture 53% of the AWA --
which is really quite an achievement for the very first time.
masterblaster84 - 2008-08-11 08:04

I cracked up yesterday when I saw that auction. I also thought to myself I would not buy from somebody who posts pictures like that.

jaredscottfla - 2008-08-11 10:02