sinister - 2009-07-10 14:23
so i kinda need some quick money. i have a bunch of boxes for sale let me know if your interested. some may needs a lil work like belts or a good cleaning or missing an antenna. small stuff i dont thing anything big.
pm me and we can discuss further
fisher ph-460
fisher ph-420
sanyo c5
Panasonic rx dt 680
Panasonic f4 mini
soundesign mini 4626
realistic scr 6
sears 2192
toshiba sx-2
sharp vz 3500
AND...... i have a lasonic trc-935 everything works but the decks need new belts. also it has some paint on it but a very kool box.
dumpstermyass - 2009-07-10 15:27
Hey Man, Id be interested in that F4 Panny. Let me know what you want for it in a PM and I shall respond pronto!
no trades accepted heh? I would give you several of my boxes for the 935

I love that Wu Tang song...
What album is that on?