Both of these boxes are fairly rough, I assume non working...
Sampo is massively heavy and missing knobs. Has Cassette and TV! Feature rich for such a small size.
Sanyo is complete if I remember right?
Both are FREE!
I only ask for shipping. I can give a quote with zip.
I hope a member or two needs these for parts. I hate throwing stuff like this out!
Sampo 8603
Sanyo M9815K
thats nice of you jeff --
look at all the good knobs, cassette keys, both grills -- the handle , etc
that thief Vladi would have ripped us for 12 cents each box!!

Well, actually I was gonna ask for grail trades!
But seeing that its the time of year for giving....

jaredscottfla - 2008-12-14 19:18

Very Cool Jeff, check ur p/m!
ya well --

your kindness has now screwed up my entire s2g customer base !!!
i have a dozen boxes here-- exactly THAT GOOD

--was planning to offer them up to 'the boys'-----"easy fix"
now have to wait 2 years --till they forget your FREE offer

Sold 2 Jared!
I cant believe you offered a MINT NIB Conion C-100F for the both of these! I had to really think about it first, but decided it would be a good trade for you. RBJ is gonna be furious!

Yeah, PM me what I need to know!
Id say they would be shipped tomorrow, but we are in the midst of a FREAK snow storm! No going anywhere!
Have you ever seen snow down your way?
be very careful , jeff
when jared says "mint"
i know where is shops --MINT is not even a known word down there

Oh your right! I forgot about how they use the opposite meaning of a word as slang down there!!! Who knows what Im getting!

Packed and ready to ship!
jaredscottfla - 2008-12-14 20:06

sooo True! Mint in Miami Means one Foot in the Ground!
Thanks Jeff Again For Your Kind Offer,Lookin' Fwd To Tinkering With These!

Anytime my friend!
Another fine example of the S2G family at work folks!