Go find it folks
geoffhartwell - 2008-07-23 14:07
ive been watching it slowly rise, its at £90 now, im gong to bid on this one, been on my want list for ages now, dont seee many on uk ebay
Found it!

Wish it haddn't been mentioned when dm4u finds out its gone not that i want one they dont sound much cop.
Originally posted by rimmer36:
Wish it haddn't been mentioned when dm4u finds out its gone not that i want one they dont sound much cop.
550 Labels by Fatdog this I foundI was out bid on this one.
here is one that just popped up ... in the usa oversea's from the bottom one :-)
JVC RC-550S.
here it is and at 90 pounds that's too Heavy in UK somewhere
Model No RC-550L .
I have 4 of these rc-550's
one that pf spoke of. 2 from peppin. and this one that is really broken-that I am modding- as soon as I can find the right parts for- a cassette door, and all the drive belts for that one, also the handle it torn off of it- so looking to make a strap for it but need the innards fixed and or replaced.
panasonic.fan - 2008-07-23 23:09
I'm sure he isn't looking for another, doesn't he already have at least two?
this one.....
Why oh why would he resort to attempting to horde them?
<insert rambling, nonsensical, spoken in 3rd person excuse here>

i think he has 4 now, but the reality of it all is he doesnt even know and im sure he doesnt like them at all he just needs them

whatever now wait for the rambling to begin shortly.

and i dont think he appreciates them either. need need need!!!!!!!

In this picture Below
First Column, Number 5 down, is a little picture of a ( jvc* rc550 retro )
I would really Want to BUY one of these !!!
JVC rc550 Retro Any & ALL Information on this PLEASE ! ?
Do you have any more Information on that JVC rc550 Retro ????????
are those dual 10 inch woofer's ?
where can I get one of these ???
japan yahoo has 2
Sorry, that's just TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really do hope he's poking fun at himself there. If so, good on you James.
panasonic.fan - 2008-07-24 07:23
Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
In this picture Below
First Column, Number 5 down, is a little picture of a ( jvc* rc550 retro )
I would really Want to BUY one of these !!!
JVC rc550 Retro Any & ALL Information on this PLEASE ! ?
Do you have any more Information on that JVC rc550 Retro ????????
are those dual 10 inch woofer's ?
where can I get one of these ???
Why James, just glue two of the RC-550's you have together and..... presto! You even get a bonus cassette tape, for free.
Playin' them cassettes, them cassettes James does, playin' them cassettes he do..... <cue the banjo>
James, here's another one for your wish list.
Originally posted by beatbox:
Sorry, that's just TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really do hope he's poking fun at himself there. If so, good on you James.
well Mr. Lopez put a little pressure upon me, after that November sale that didnt go anywhere for him and I found out that it had been there for a 3kprice and no I wasnt going to pay a 3k price...I then contacted him and let him know that I was VERY much interested in that particular 550 model that he had nib and would he hold onto it untill I had to fundage to purchase it from him with...Well, he put it on the bay oneday last month or so, almost caught me by suprise again in almost missing out on it. So when I seen that the starting price was half of what it was months before, an then somebody had bidded! I had to be the top bidder there and I was.
Presently of the 4 that I have, 1 is nib! 2 work allmost perfectly both from Peppin! 1 of the 2 of those from Peppin has a better radio than the other one - I cant remember as I rarely play the radio anyhow, as I prefer to play my Boris Midney cassette's ... in either one, these I do Carry around Outside Blasting My Music! The last one is in sorry shape - so this one, I am in the process of modding it with different speaker's and searching for the belt's and a Cassette door as the little hook at the top edge where it ketches to close is broke off, it will rewind a cassette but not play. I am not in a terrific Hurry to buy another one, However As This Is My Absolute Favorite in the Mono Cassette Carry around Catagory ... if there is such a catagory ... I am alway's on the lookout for one of these for a price, but not presently, I have plenty to DO with the 3 that I am working with now.
panasonic.fan - 2008-07-24 10:50
I am not in a terrific Hurry
So, you had three, plus the $2k one, and less than 6 days later you were battling it out for another at $600+. Sounds like a terrific hurry to me, and and expensive one at that.
I know that these are cool looking boxes, iconic looking even, but the sound just isn't there. They get spanked by much smaller boxes, even when you turn the balance all the way to one side (IE mono to mono comparison).
Happy hunting, to each their own.

with pan fan --
they are lookers --but
really just a big bore to listen to --
so disappointing for a 10 inch woof
well ocd4u has no idea about sound anyways so none of that matters

masterblaster84 - 2008-07-24 12:00
Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
I know that these are cool looking boxes, iconic looking even, but the sound just isn't there. They get spanked by much smaller boxes, even when you turn the balance all the way to one side (IE mono to mono comparison).

I got lucky and picked up a nice 550 cheap. This was for nostalgic reasons and the cool factor for the looks but the 550 is by no means a killer sounding box. Certainly not worth spending thousands to get several of them in my book but to each his own.
For performance on the street, I find the JVC RC550 to be in my top 3 boxes. Stereo dont matter at all when outside, and for sheer power and loudness, to be heard over cars, crowds, buses etc, then the 550 has it in spades...
Its the one I take out the most with me while Im wandering the streets with a beer. Crown 850 comes a close second.
Ahem, at the last German st2go meeting in Berlin, I can safely say it whooped the asses of a GF777, a GF1000, an M70 and that other radio Kid Sensation forgot to bring batteries for.
Maybe something to do with a bigger speaker moving more air around it maybe?
Whatever, its fantastic outdoors.
ok -
but that JVC RC550 retro -
is at least 3 times better.
Originally posted by SINISTER:
well ocd4u has no idea about sound anyways so none of that matters
Can you qualify your statement with some fact's Please? Otherwize.
Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
Originally posted by SINISTER:
well ocd4u has no idea about sound anyways so none of that matters
Can you qualify your statement with some fact's Please? Otherwize.
Here is a fact dm4u you have 4 550 they sound bloody awful.

The Rimmer school of detailed analytics kicks in again :-)
Love it or hate it the 550 is an iconic box, OK, they sound as bad as a Lasonic & contain less parts than a Conion but we love them. James really loves them, he's got twelvty six of them.
Exactly My point! Thanks BeatBox.
... Outside ...
Originally posted by beatbox:
For performance on the street, I find the JVC RC550 to be in my top 3 boxes. Stereo dont matter at all when outside, and for sheer power and loudness, to be heard over cars, crowds, buses etc, then the 550 has it in spades...
Its the one I take out the most with me while Im wandering the streets with a beer. Crown 850 comes a close second.
Ahem, at the last German st2go meeting in Berlin, I can safely say it whooped the asses of a GF777, a GF1000, an M70 and that other radio Kid Sensation forgot to bring batteries for.
Maybe something to do with a bigger speaker moving more air around it maybe?
Whatever, its fantastic outdoors.
yea what are you going to do with 5watts

JVC RC-550 has 7 watt's
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
JVC RC-550 has 7 watt's
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
if your going by that old power thing it needs a certain amount of power to power the mech the speaker says 5 watt so it is 5 watt and also we don't know wich raiting there using.
Not clear on how a 10" woofer is going to get moved with authority by 5w
Hey Ira do these still sound better than Panny 5xxx

just slightly better--
but no big deal.
here are the specifications page for this
JVC RC 550 JW Specifications
Note the Maximum Power Output there, 15 Watts in the Amplifier Section of the Service Manual for this;
JVC RC 550 JW Service Manual Specifications
well you know now...the rating used. 7 watts RMS. see above

Note the Maximum Power Output there, 15 Watts in the Amplifier Section of the Service Manual for this as seen above

Originally posted by rimmer36:
Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
JVC RC-550 has 7 watt's
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
if your going by that old power thing it needs a certain amount of power to power the mech the speaker says 5 watt so it is 5 watt and also we don't know wich raiting there using.
Thank you james that is a decent scan there pardon the pun

Oh well, £256.51 all over now..
geoffhartwell - 2008-07-28 11:50
i bid 251 and was well p**ed that i didnt win it, but never mind
I won it guys.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................................... no not realy sorry you lost geoff but you would have been dissapointed REALY mind you it aint about the sound with these things i guess.