geoffhartwell - 2008-06-17 13:12
i got a m80 that i want to get rid of, all parts are free, u just pay postage
geoff i'm begging you please i need the eject button badly if you can do it .thank you
do you have the tape counter w/ button and the antenna?
Are the bass, treble, volume sliders and knobs compatible with the M60? If so I'm game! Cassette mech too!
geoffhartwell - 2008-06-17 14:06
sorry sinister, masterblaster had whole cassette deck first time around on this thread, as for antenna, well its the only reason i bought this box for the antenna as its the same as a m70.
They are the only 2 this missing from this box
dont know if they are compatible with the m60 oldskool, but if someone know if they are "there yours"
geoffhartwell - 2008-06-17 14:31
Thank you kind sir! I will glady relieve you of all buttons, knobs and switches, including the cassette buttons and switches.
(Except for the auto tuning stuff, mine does it the old fashioned way.)
Hey can you get a close up shot of that cling on the cassette door?
geoffhartwell - 2008-06-17 15:04
no prob consider them yours, apart from the eject button, thats spoken for
thank you so much geoff .
Thanks for the cling shot! Fatdog will have some work to do!
geoff --
always lots of help for lots of members -- thanks
Geoff, I sent PM. Did you get it? I know the system has been wacky over the last week. :-)