weelanddeal - 2009-02-03 11:52

nice box , although it does have a snapped antenna , deck is not working belt problem ? the bass knob is missing its silver stick on insert . this box is heavy for its size .will need a cleaning it has been sitting around a while . will clean up nice .25.00 plus shipping to the US . thanks
hi john --by now , everyone here knows you are a terrific supplier to us --
but probably - very few know anything about these 3 boxes you posted today --(i dont)
so , at least, one shot of each --will make it much easier -- ok

thanks --the pictures all worked fine-
there is a fabulous boombox database available to every member-- for sale --
that seems to have 98% of all the likely box pictures-
but -as a wild guess -- i say less than 5% of the members have it

Originally posted by redbenjoe:

a 'mulligan' is another word for a 'bump'
and a bump is another word for 'BUY SOMETHING'