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Conion C-100F for sale/auction

theciscokid784 - 2011-03-16 13:55

Ok, let me preface this by admitting, I'm completely new to this site.  I'm completely new to collecting actually, so please don't flame me for posting an auction at the start.  This is a means to an end.  Selling this Conion C-100F allows me to buy like 3 boxes, maybe sell one of those, buy 2 more, etc.  I will also say if anyone wants to make an offer, I'll consider pulling the auction and doing paypal/shipping.  US Only.  International would be like half the price of the box itself.  Thanks guys.  I'm looking forward to being a part of this site for years to come. 


driptip - 2011-03-17 22:00

your box looks pretty good, good luck on the sale.

stretch - 2011-03-20 20:43

Sold for a fair price, but I'm surprised it didn't go for more to be honest.