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hitachi trq225 for sale

saxonman - 2011-11-30 05:26

I have to sell more of my radio's tape players off this one which is a tape player only

Good condition but has some scratches but it is nearly 40 years old!! but it works and looks sooo retro i love it it even has a place for an extra tape!!it is a solid feeling tape player it's not cheap it cost 75 pound in 1974!!!so how much i have no idea this is the rarest of the range the white one is more common so I'm after offers and then i'll see what to do if i don't sell i will ebay it but would prefer to sell to another collector

hitachi 225 005

hitachi 225 003

hitachi 225 004

hitachi 225 002

hitachi 225 003

hitachi 225 004

hitachi 225 005

hitachi 225 008

deliverance - 2011-11-30 05:31

thats different not seen one of those before , glws and cheers for tape deck mate.

saxonman - 2011-11-30 05:53

no problem any problems just say i have 4!!!!!

deliverance - 2011-11-30 05:55

clucking hell!  nice to have spares

mike.belshaw - 2012-06-20 01:13

Hi just wondering did you sell this item, and if not could you let me know the price please, Thanks Mike

mitchelljames - 2012-06-20 14:07

Where is Saxonman ???

mike.belshaw - 2012-07-13 09:31

Hi anyone out there? Saxonman??