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Sell of an RC M90 (cassette mech needing work)

bredgeo - 2012-01-30 11:28

Hey guys and Gals,

Here is a post  to sell a JVC RC M90 quite clean, but needing work on the tape mech... and the right speaker a little greyed out from sun.

KNOW: The M90 will only be able to be shipped in 4 to 6 months NOT BEFORE!!!!!!!

And for any of you guys and Gals in the Americas... The shipping will be FUuCKING HIGH!!!!!!

This one will only be sold to the highest offer (bidder)... I will not lie or cheat... I will put the bids that is the highest, and when/if anyone else bids above... I will update. Ones the highest has been posted for more than one week, that will be the winner! BUT DO NOT FORGET THAT IT WILL ONLY BE FOR THE M90 WITHOUT SHIPPING!


I do have a reserve in mind.

plop - 2012-01-30 12:08

What sort of work is required on the tape? New belt? Dirty contacts? etc...

bredgeo - 2012-01-30 12:39

I, at this moment, do not know... It could be the belts, could be the motor...


There is an update, my bro is going to come and visit... so he is going to bring the M70 and M90 up to Ireland and they can be shipped out as soon as they are bought.




deliverance - 2012-01-30 12:46

thats good news bredgeo

claret.badger - 2012-01-30 17:59

75 pounds?

radio.raheem - 2012-01-30 18:17

Bredgeo just to clarifuy...is this your much loved m90??? it sure looks like it???what iswrong exactly with the deck?? ie whad dosent the deck do....i could probbly fix it for you...as i have m90 parts here somewhere...it's just im trying to get you to change your mind, if this is indeed your m90...as i know you love it and would regret selling it later...

brutus442 - 2012-01-30 19:38

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Bredgeo just to clarifuy...is this your much loved m90??? it sure looks like it???what iswrong exactly with the deck?? ie whad dosent the deck do....i could probbly fix it for you...as i have m90 parts here somewhere...it's just im trying to get you to change your mind, if this is indeed your m90...as i know you love it and would regret selling it later...

I'd like to second Radio Raheem's statement. If this is your "A machine" Bredgeo...hang on to her. I can't speak of the M70 (an awesome machine in it's own right) but the M90's in a clas by herself..but you don't need me to tell you that..


All the best Bredgeo....Cheers

bredgeo - 2012-01-30 22:47

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

75 pounds?

Okay... We have a begining! £75.


Let us see where it will go.


stretch - 2012-01-31 09:25



deliverance - 2012-01-31 09:40

i bid £350 .

bredgeo - 2012-01-31 11:12

Hey guys,


The highest bid right now is well above the £350...


From the other site.... Via PM, is the bid...



claret.badger - 2012-01-31 16:03



chris69 - 2012-01-31 17:58

Why are you only shipping it in 4 to 6 months time...???? Why host a personal auction here and now if you don't want to sell it for another 4-6 months..?
Originally Posted by bredgeo:

Hey guys and Gals,

Here is a post  to sell a JVC RC M90 quite clean, but needing work on the tape mech... and the right speaker a little greyed out from sun.

KNOW: The M90 will only be able to be shipped in 4 to 6 months NOT BEFORE!!!!!!!

And for any of you guys and Gals in the Americas... The shipping will be FUuCKING HIGH!!!!!!

This one will only be sold to the highest offer (bidder)... I will not lie or cheat... I will put the bids that is the highest, and when/if anyone else bids above... I will update. Ones the highest has been posted for more than one week, that will be the winner! BUT DO NOT FORGET THAT IT WILL ONLY BE FOR THE M90 WITHOUT SHIPPING!


I do have a reserve in mind.


chris69 - 2012-01-31 18:04

You state "Ones the highest has been posted for more than one week, that will be the winner!"

Yet you also state "I do have a reserve in mind" so in other words you just want to see how much you could get for it and if the price doesn't suit you....... no one actually will get it.... 

bredgeo - 2012-02-01 01:31

LOL!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!


I have to laugh to the last two posts!!!!


We are 7 billion people on the planet, and getting to be more and more... Most of us cry out and point our fingers when there is a war, when people who have ideals impose onto the weaker or vis versa, whe killing and/or bombs go off...


There will always be Pros and Cons for anything and every thing... thus creating conflict thus "War".


So, I am going to give in to your strong questions to try and avoid a war, I do not feel like getting my family and myself killed over the fact you do not understand my "Believes".


Sir, I am in Ireland and the M70 and M90 are in France, yes I have a reserve in mind, for like any strong and able mind who know, I do not want to loose money from this selling of the M70 and M90... the reserve is the price of my buying at the time. 4 to 6 months shipping, because that is when I am going back to France (but there has been an update, my brother will be coming down, thus I will have them next week). And yes, I put it in some kind of bid here to see if I can get a good amount for them... Right now I have an offer that is 24.92€ higher for the M90 then when I had bought it... Which is cool!


So, please do not hurt me... Please do accept my ways and do not impose yours because you are limited in thought and imagination... Please let me live, your ideas ar not the only ones that are perfect on this planet!!!!




deliverance - 2012-02-01 01:45

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:


duncan-bannatyne  indeed !   

chris69 - 2012-02-01 01:50

Not sure why you find honest questions so funny??
Why don't you just state the price you want and make it more honest and easy....???
Originally Posted by bredgeo:

LOL!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!


I have to laugh to the last two posts!!!!


We are 7 billion people on the planet, and getting to be more and more... Most of us cry out and point our fingers when there is a war, when people who have ideals impose onto the weaker or vis versa, whe killing and/or bombs go off...


There will always be Pros and Cons for anything and every thing... thus creating conflict thus "War".


So, I am going to give in to your strong questions to try and avoid a war, I do not feel like getting my family and myself killed over the fact you do not understand my "Believes".


Sir, I am in Ireland and the M70 and M90 are in France, yes I have a reserve in mind, for like any strong and able mind who know, I do not want to loose money from this selling of the M70 and M90... the reserve is the price of my buying at the time. 4 to 6 months shipping, because that is when I am going back to France (but there has been an update, my brother will be coming down, thus I will have them next week). And yes, I put it in some kind of bid here to see if I can get a good amount for them... Right now I have an offer that is 24.92€ higher for the M90 then when I had bought it... Which is cool!


So, please do not hurt me... Please do accept my ways and do not impose yours because you are limited in thought and imagination... Please let me live, your ideas ar not the only ones that are perfect on this planet!!!!





bredgeo - 2012-02-01 02:35


The fun of it....

It would have been the same via eBay, but it did not want to put them on eBay, wanted guys and Gals here to be able and do the secret bidding.... I am sorry you don't find it fun...


If I had said my reserve for the M90 was xxx € people would still have made offer... etc.


Late guys!

redbenjoe - 2012-02-01 21:19


bredgeo - 2012-02-02 13:57

Originally Posted by redbenjoe:


..... Hummmmmmm, come again Ira....????? Bump?

chris69 - 2012-02-02 14:35

It means he's bumping your AD back to the first page so people see it
Originally Posted by bredgeo:
Originally Posted by redbenjoe:


..... Hummmmmmm, come again Ira....????? Bump?


redbenjoe - 2012-02-02 16:23

right !!!


hey bredgeo -


what ... are you new around here

radio.raheem - 2012-02-02 16:31

least it's bredgeos brothers m90 and not his.....hope you get loads of dosh bredgeo...everybody else does and you diserve it mate...thanks for letting me know the situation bry,,,btw had a look for the deck parts i thought i had...must have used them on a different m90...i have had so many...over the years...apologies about this...BUMP

bredgeo - 2012-02-02 21:53

Thanks Chris for the explanation.....


Ira....... Can I say, Yeaaaaaahhhhh....



Reno, no worries....... Something has to/will work out for the M90!

bredgeo - 2012-02-03 07:16

All right guys....


Sold, sold, sold, sold!!!!!!!! IT IS SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!

All sold!!!!!!!!!

DONE AND SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No longer mine... but, yes.... S#It is some one else's!!!!!!

Do have a nice day!