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EMBASSY EM-2800 BOOMBOX w/original box for sale

floy.rey.de.reyes - 2012-03-19 14:31

Hello everyone!


I will be selling my EMBASSY EM-2800 BOOMBOX w/original box .  It is in Awesome condition.  I have it on my default on my profile right now. Everything works. I will be putting it on Ebay soon but  i would rather have a boom box enthusiast own it. I will be taking new pictures tonight.  Please feel free to pm me, I will be taking offers. =)


stereo.mad - 2012-03-19 15:25

Hi I'm interested pls pm me to let me know how much you want for it :0)

radio.raheem - 2012-03-19 17:03

I trashed one of these in a temper a few weeks ago...another ebay scam

chris69 - 2012-03-19 17:13

What happened radio raheem?
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I trashed one of these in a temper a few weeks ago...another ebay scam


floy.rey.de.reyes - 2012-03-19 17:22

This is not a scam....

radio.raheem - 2012-03-19 17:30

sorry i wasnt implying that it was



chris i have just been under that much stress latley mate....something is going to snap somewhere.....im the type that takes it out on my own equipment and not people...


the box i had was totally knackered anyway...beyond repair....i know i should have sent it back...but instead it ended in a million bits.....thank god it was no personal grail of mine....


good news chris though i have just bought my old gf1000 back for £50 its in a real bad state...but hey im gunna mod the feck out of it

chris69 - 2012-03-19 17:39

That really sucks man. I know the feeling. My mom who is 80 yrs old had a bad heart attack just over 2 weeks ago and we are very close since my dad when i was 8 yrs old. She's all i've ever had and to see everything she has went through in the last 2 weeks .... she had an angioplasty done with stents and she ended up back in the hospital 2 days later... 
We are a big family but none of the brothers or sisters make much of an effort to help aside from decided "what is best for her" from the comfort of the their living rooms.
The last 3 boombox's i bought were in terrible shape despite 2 of them being described as "mint" and "like new".
Now i'm broker than flat broke from 2 weeks travelling back and forth to a couple different hospitals even though my car needed brakes,discs,tires ect... in other words i'm screwed.
At least you got your old gf1000 back and that's a sign things are changing for ya hopefully
 Originally Posted by radio raheem:

sorry i wasnt implying that it was



chris i have just been under that much stress latley mate....something is going to snap somewhere.....im the type that takes it out on my own equipment and not people...


the box i had was totally knackered anyway...beyond repair....i know i should have sent it back...but instead it ended in a million bits.....thank god it was no personal grail of mine....


good news chris though i have just bought my old gf1000 back for £50 its in a real bad state...but hey im gunna mod the feck out of it


radio.raheem - 2012-03-19 17:53

cris i shouldnd say this lad but make the most of your mum....you know what im saying...


i lost my mum and best friend about a year and a half ago....same day.....i have a big family but none of them give a rats ass about me....and im the disabled one.....there not worth a piss in a pot.....sure i have friends but nothing can replace my mum and best friend....they say it gets easier...but for me its getting harder....bout all that keeps me going is my love for boxes and building good computers....i have been doing something strange though....taking boxes to bits and just leaving them....i have an unbelivable temper and it's getting worse....


i see metad has found sombody new to pick on.....who frigging cares weather you have been on here before and been banned....you seem ok to me mate....i have been banned loads of times...metad is just bored because he has no collection to show...and NOBODY will stand by and let him pick on redbenjoe anymore....redbenjoe incase you diddn't know is one of the good guys....so is metad when he wants to be

chris69 - 2012-03-19 18:17

Now worries. Both you and redbenjoe and very decent and your reputation speaks for it's self as do alot of other members on here

I should ignore the trouble makers more i guess. I think all the stress of the last 2 weeks and what may be to come... make me a little too quick to bite so in the future i'm going to try to just ignore them more.


PS. I would never come on here except that i know most of you guys are really decent.

metad - 2012-03-20 05:18

Hey radio raheem, there is no need in your primitive conclusions, like you posted above.

I noticed - it's not the first time, you are trying to do it.
I never tried to do the same towards to you, and your silly activity on here, your drunk messages about your unfortunate and miserable life, right?

So please, don't try to do it again.

I see you got a new friend, the same caliber as you, so please chat with him about your problems - no doubt people on here love to read such a flood 'n' flame ... or maybe boomboxes - what this forum belongs to.

ao - 2012-03-20 06:26

Here we are again, yet another 'potentially' interesting thread ruined by bickering. 

chris69 - 2012-03-20 06:56

Wow he nevers stops this guy

retro - 2012-03-20 10:12

None of the threads were deleted deliverance, they were only sent to moderation que because of all the bickering.

floy.rey.de.reyes - 2012-03-20 16:48

Wow! I thought this was a forum for people who enjoy boom boxes?  I didn't know this was a place to hang all your dirty laundry out!  I was just trying to see if anyone might be interested in enjoying an Awesome boom box that is very well taken care of. But instead, my post turned out to be a forum about bad tempers  and personal issues.  





lav.loo - 2012-03-21 03:06

nice box FRDR, i had the same box but branded under the name tec, very loud decent bass and sweet led's, good luck with the sale

samsnite - 2012-03-21 09:30

Originally Posted by Floy Rey De Reyes:

Wow! I thought this was a forum for people who enjoy boom boxes?  I didn't know this was a place to hang all your dirty laundry out!  I was just trying to see if anyone might be interested in enjoying an Awesome boom box that is very well taken care of. But instead, my post turned out to be a forum about bad tempers  and personal issues.  




chris69 - 2012-03-21 09:58

Do you have any other pics of it Floy with the original box ect? You should have no problem selling that at all. Really nice and having the original box is a big plus

floy.rey.de.reyes - 2012-03-21 16:16

Yes i do have more pictures...i can take a few of the box as well...ill try to post them up tonight..

