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Trade for your Sharp VZ-2000?

tardpie - 2012-09-21 00:42

Hello out there! If anyone might be interested in a trade, I would LOVE to own a Sharp VZ-2000. You know - the one with the vertical turntable built into the front (and a tape deck on the upper left). I have a Lasonic TRC-931 to offer (original 80s style, or 2000 reissue, your choice) totally working 100%, no problems. Or a giant Goldstar TSR-801. 100% working. I live on the east coast - 90 min from DC/Baltimore, 3 hrs from Philly, 4 1/2 hrs from Nyc. Maybe we could meet up somewhere. Let me know. Thanks. *What I have to offer is on the top & in the middle (Goldstar & Lasonic). The Sharp that I want is pictured on the bottom*




stereo.mad - 2012-09-21 01:30

Shame you live the other side of the pond,I have a fully working vz2000 and would trade it for the goldstar

tardpie - 2012-09-21 08:31

I'm certainly willing to look into shipping costs! PM me your address please.

brutus442 - 2012-09-21 09:47

Is money no object?








Cha ching!

tardpie - 2012-09-21 10:28

Yes, money is an object. Hence the trade offer.

claret.badger - 2012-09-21 11:53

when did these become so expensive?

more importantly




did I oversleep and miss a meeting?

brutus442 - 2012-09-21 12:29

Yes Claret, in your brief absence all media not made of vinyl was destroyed. the only music to be played in the future will be run at 33, 45 or even 78 RPM...


Sorry to be the one to tell you this




victoria - 2012-09-25 10:03

I contacted both of those EBay sellers when I was trying to find a home for my Sharp, to see if they would be interested in buying it for a reasonable price to sell on. They both, independantly of each other, told me that the market was really bad and they were struggling to find buyers for the ones they had. So you never know, they might accept a cheeky offer!

Mine winged it's way to Italy today.

brutus442 - 2012-09-25 11:15

Nothing ventured, nothing gained right Victoria?


You never know what someone will accept in these trying economic times....

lav.loo - 2012-09-25 11:21

that goldstar kicks ass by the look of it, if i had a vz id'e send it you on a saturn 5 rocket for that beaut. hope you get one mate, afterall your offer is sweet.....good luck