oldschooler81 - 2009-11-02 02:53
http://cgi.ebay.com/RARE-Garra...?hash=item3a5440b6e3There was one on Ebay a few months ago that I lost the bid on by probably five seconds, and I just spotted this one. The guy says the tape decks run slowly and just need belts. Even if that costs $60 or so, all in all I think it might be worth it, just because they're so rare (that's still maybe only $100 with shipping).
Do you guys think it's worth it, especially with the repair (if the decks BOTH run slow, I might still be able to make tape mixes for awhile though)?
P.S. Mine was a Digital Sound Lab, and I've seen Seiko make the exact same one.. and this design is from Garrard. I wonder if any other makers did it.
It looks almost the as same as this:
Siemens RM 840Only with a CD-player of course.