redbenjoe - 2009-02-17 22:48
When you get one let me know how it stacks up against that Sony ZX-7.
The RX-C20 is one of few boxes that actually sound louder on batteries than they do with the wallpack. This is because the supplied panasonic wallpack cannot supply enough current to hold the voltage at 9 volts during high volume.
well that could be resolved with a more robost wallwart instead of the factory one as long as voltage remains the same
with ramon --we could buy an off-brand 2 amp ac plug --that should power any box -- loud!!
also --some batteries with the exact same voltage and capacity ratings --actually put out the sudden needed power --quicker than others.
blah.blah.blah - 2009-02-18 20:56
RBJ- I have a very clean one, but it'll cost you
not like that ratty ZX-7.
PM your email and I will send you some pics tomorrow...
thanks BBB --
as you might can guess
a PM is now being composed .
blah.blah.blah - 2009-02-19 09:36
got it rbj. will get some pics out tonight, busy busy today.
Interestingly enough, the RX-C20 takes a 13.2 VDC input for power. Since it is regulated to 12V, I run a 1.5 amp 12 volt power supply into mine, and wow - does that thing sound great! It's a really sweet little machine.