dumpstermyass - 2009-06-11 12:55
Hey Folks,
I am looking to pick up a nice box with SW to add to my collection. I am fond of the old silver units, and I am partial to Panasonic, Clairtone, Hitachi, Toshiba, and JVC, but will consider others. I am basically looking for something nice that sounds good that I can take around from time to time. I have a budget of around 300$ or so at this time...
I know I might be a little vague here, but if there is something here that someone might have that meets any or even SOME of these criteriae, please send me a PM. I am flexible and open to ANYTHING!
Thank you very much for reading my want ad. Have a great weekend!
jaredscottfla - 2009-06-11 13:43
Hey Matt, I've got a Superscope CRS-2104 that's kind of rare, a couple of JVC RC-M70's and a JVC RC-838 that might interest you. Let me know if any of those seem along the lines of what you are looking for. I think those are the only SW boxes I have that I'd be willing to part with at this time.
dumpstermyass - 2009-06-13 12:45
Hey Normin,
Thanks for the reply. I sent you a PM just now. Have a good weekend!