777 or 767 bits
davebush - 2011-09-03 02:08
hey all........looking for a volume knob and a 240 volt transformer for a 767 777 ta very much
ghettoman - 2011-09-03 08:16
has "The Beast" arrived dave ?
davebush - 2011-09-03 08:40
ghettoman - 2011-09-03 09:03
Frrrackin ell Filthy..Dirty..Rippin off Beepstards..mine only cost me £42,but thats Each,not for all 3,£42 EACH !! Man thats bad..but aslong as it got there in one piece man,thats the main thing i suppose,still aint right though,the prices have gone up on everything now..Joke mate !!!
ghettoman - 2011-09-03 09:54
Here..dave...lemme tell you a secret..
when i bought my 999s,and got billed the £42 each for the import duty,i was pretty outraged,i paid the bill,but wrote & complained to parcel force head office,i got a call back from them,i was given a number to ring,they told me that if i could prove that the 999s and GF535 are of no commercial value,and that i only bought them for personal/sentimental value,i could claim my import duty back..i did'nt ring it because i was not motivated enough,i got bored of persuing itsounded like it could be a long drawn out affair..but here it is if you want to give it go..
Tarrif Class Service - 01702 366077
davebush - 2011-09-03 10:51
radio.raheem - 2011-09-03 11:35
Bet the call will cost £10 per min good luck dave...
ghettoman - 2011-09-03 12:21
Not sure lad,it just looks like a normal uk number..
Hey dave,i know what else you could give a go,like get your camera and take a nice pic of the new beast
davebush - 2011-09-03 12:42
ok ill post a pic within the next few days