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Clairtone 7980 power problems

paul.belliveau - 2011-11-15 16:07

Found a Clairtone 7980 in super shape but unit will not work (power up)


Any ideas , suggestions would be appreciated ...




- 2011-11-15 17:48

Try using batteries - It's all I operate mine on  Why ? cause they are PORTABLE

paul.belliveau - 2011-11-15 18:52

I brought it to the local electronics guy that worked on them years ago.

The machine would not power up on batteries or a power cord...

He tested it & said there is a problem in the power console area.


Will I have to find a replacement part to get this working ?


Does anyone have Clairtone 7980 parts ?



baddboybill - 2011-11-18 07:32

You can try and deoxit the power switch. From years of sitting these collect dirt and dust and can oxidate inside switch causing little or no contact. Good luck