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deliverance - 2011-11-22 07:27

right theres no easy way of doing this so  i apologise to saxonman for  what i said the other day i honestly thought you were taking the piss ,  its been on my mind for a few days and needs resolving my rant was public and so is my apology.

- 2011-11-22 07:44

apology accepted

i seen some of that - then somebody came along later and removed most of that 'text' Yaaay!


Now - let 's Go Forward from here ok?

NEW Slate - YES

davebush - 2011-11-22 08:27

good job cos he was gonna come round and kick your monkey ass all over da place  




WARNING......sense of Humour required


That was a joke to all without a sense of humour

saxonman - 2011-11-24 00:39

look my fault aswel as yours I feel no ill feeling !! and of course i accept !! I'm not a totally well person i have dam crap memory due to misadventure when i was young!! so sometimes i need reminding of stuff to read something once sometimes not enough !! as a good will gift i'll give ya the tape deck if ya want it

deliverance - 2011-11-24 01:48

glad for that mate i dont want ill-feeling life is to short   no worries