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Toshiba RT S 983 WX1 belts

dz - 2013-05-28 13:27

Ciao to all!!

Please help me to find new spare belts for my Toshiba wx1 rt s 983!!!

Big thanks for all!!!!


mrkeith - 2013-05-28 14:09

TurntableNeedles. Com 

dz - 2013-05-29 06:14

Thank you Mrkeith!

but i can't find my model there..may be you can give me the direct link?


mrkeith - 2013-05-29 12:39

You Have to click on the Boom Box another window open up and ask you for the Make and then the Model

dz - 2013-05-29 23:35

There is no my model there..but it's very strange thing,because WX1 is the famous one..:-(

Still despirately in search for the required belts....:-)


brutus442 - 2013-05-30 08:20

Welcome aboard DZ.


I was just checking the Toshiba belt guide and found the RTS 893 (not sure if it's the same) uses the 5.1 SCX belt.


Do you know what size the belt is currently (factored in with the stretching)?


If so you can probably deduct about 15% of it's size and PM DocP here. He's got many belts!!!!! He can probably best help you



dz - 2013-05-30 23:46

Thank you Brutus.

893 isn't the same as 983 he-he..:-)

Probably my problem was solved here::
