redbenjoe - 2009-02-04 21:35
safe to assume that part 1 may get closed/deleted
Get ready for a long feedback post -
but not really long enough.
because if sin can invest what might have totaled a few DAYS of his life -- just to do one member one humongous favor -
then - we can devote a few minutes to know about it -- right ??
this is an aprrox. tally of went down on this one::
1. sin locates a one-owner m90 -- within an hour from his home
2.he convinces the seller to put it on s2g -to offer us all a fair chance at it.
3. then , he makes this post in our chat area--
"...........i might be able to help out"
what an understatement !!!
this is the 'help'
4. a long series of PMS, emails and phone calls to make all the many arrangements
5. a trip to his bank for lots of cash
6. a long trip from oakland to san franscico --traffic (yuk) --and crossing the famous 'earthquake bridge'
7. testing and testing --the m90
8. a trip to gather up the bubble wrap and both cartons
9. a LONG time to pack it to the MAX
10. another trip to the shipper
the result is that an s2g member (me) gets a real good m90--all tested , packed perfectly -sent immediately = HAPPY DAYS
but the story is that sin made this offer to help --knowing that all these big efforts would be involved--
and for all that --he deserves the cover story in the next BBDB !!
and he also deserves a world of THANKS-
we just cannot over-state what a great guy might do.
btw --if this exact type of extraordinary deed got done once per decade --it would be plenty -
ya think ??
well - how about twice in FOUR DAYS !!!
coming about GORDIE
oops --forgot to mention -this things got it ALL
:: knobs , eject button, antennas, battery cover, even the handle !!--original stuff
Yup, SINISTER has really proven himself once again! It's nice to know that there are still some good guys out there...good stuff
wow that goes above and beyond the call of duty, way to go sinister thats a sweet lookin m90 there ira.
very jelly here.
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
4. a long series of PMS
I thought only ladies get those
Originally posted by jvc floyd:
wow that goes above and beyond the call of duty, way to go sinister thats a sweet lookin m90 there ira.
yeah vlad i thought the same thing. i think ira is trying to say something here. hmmm.......
rbj you forgot to mention that it was snowing and i had to walk both ways uphill with me jacket.
hey sin --after all these PM_s
i forgot to ask you -
is my m90 better than your m90 ?
is my m90 better than your m90 ?
then yours must be the bomb
mine is 7/8 of a bomb.
shouldn't be talking about the "B" word. they might go looking for you, and i don't know you if they do
Very nice team work guys. Very nice. Well worth it! Looks like a winner Ira. It has the official eject button too!
AWESOME, this is what makes members here so great, there might be a few bad apples, but alot of good ones too!!
Glad to see that M90 in great hands!
eric !!
forgot to tell you this :
my apologies - you were nice enough to offer me an m60 eject button -- i ended up getting an m80 button --which (i think) is identical to your m60-
BUT --even though those look identical to the m90 button -- thats only from the outside view -
from the backside (where it counts)
it was not long enough to trip the eject mechanism-
so -- this same sinister person (
finally provided the "official" m90 one-
a few months ago.
More great transaction in the family! Despite Ira being involved!
This is too awsome! Great job!
sin you are the man. i lived in SF for years and the traffic is
sure you will get the grand gesture back in aces.
Hijack...Blah Blah Blah, I love your avatar. I'm in love with Asian girls. I know they talk about Jungle Fever, so I guess I have Yellow Fever.