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My walkmans featured on The Gadget Show

ao - 2009-03-17 04:15

You maye recall but The Gadget Show posted a request here for any one who wanted to loan some stuff for their show.

I sent off a box of stuff last month inc TPS-L2, WM-2, DD9, WM-10, etc. All the iconis stuff.

Anyway, check it out. Sadly you'll have to endure some ads but the Feature is 15 mins into the clip.

They kept quiet about the presenter wearing my minty TPS-L2 while stumbling around in day-glo lycra & rollerscates (yep, the usual modern day perception of the Walkman).


Also, who can spot something they 'got wrong'?

walkgirl - 2009-03-17 05:10

Does not work Frown, for UK audience only! Mad

dee27 - 2009-03-17 05:18

Me too...

ao - 2009-03-17 05:37

Damn, there must be an IP detect. I'll find a way around it.

walkgirl - 2009-03-17 05:58

Download it and put it on youtube Agentorange! Smile

In did try with hidemyass and stuff, does not work


nak.d - 2009-03-18 12:39

Watched the G S again online. Nice walkmans Cris. In lovely nick too. I'm off to the live show next month should be great.

renzgi - 2009-03-18 13:53

Tries it hereby to open.

walkgirl - 2009-03-18 15:06

Originally posted by renzgi:
Tries it hereby to open.

Does also not work Frown

I try it on my eeepc later! Smile

johnedward - 2009-03-19 19:33

I also tried all solutions offered and will not work in USA. JOHN

isolator42 - 2009-03-20 04:40

That's great, Cris.
Above & beyond the call & all that. Did they sent them all back OK?
Hope you got a copy of the show for posterity.

You're right. Public perception of the Walkman is the Flashdance/Kids from Fame look, as much as the Radio Raheem (Do The Right Thing) look is for the boombox.

I'm not that surprised the iPod won.
Yes, the Walkman was a brand new invention & so typically Japanese. That is, to take some existing technology (the cassette), & adapt it for a new market, all the while improving & miniturising.
However, Apple learned well, standing as they were on the shoulders of the Walkman. The iPod/iTunes approach is so complete.
I'll bet it really riles Sony that Apple did what they never could - i.e. achieving market domination with their own brand alone. Sony tried so many times, Betamax, Minidisc, the list goes on.

I have yet to meet someone with a non-Apple mp3 player who doesn't feel the need to explain to me why they don't have a iPod.
There are currently 4 iPods in my family, & I don't see that number going down in the near future.
IPod/iTunes fulfills the requirements of the now changing/changed forever music industry so completely & so attractively too.
The first time I saw an iPod, I really wanted one, but I had no need. The minute I could justify a need for it I got one. What a position to occupy in the maketplace, eh?