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Koss Porta Pros (black version)

blaster - 2011-05-10 11:43

For Koss porta pro headphone fans...i spotted these all black version of the porta pros on ebay they are almost identical to the 25th anniversary porta pros black version. these i believe were Best Buy exclusives...good deal i should say....he also has two for 50.00 bucks even better...both links below






walkgirl - 2011-05-10 12:08


Do they also have the cloth cable?


blaster - 2011-05-10 12:47

 I believe they do....

stereo2go - 2011-05-13 14:02

Thanks for the tip, Blaster!  The blue ones are pretty much glued to my head.  The cheap cord is the only problem, it's the only reason I've replaced these.  I hope the cloth will be a nice improvement.

blaster - 2011-05-20 20:17

I just got my pair today!! they're definitely awesome....yes it has the cloth cable...the blue and silver parts are all black....the only thing is that the plug is not a right angle  its a straight one.. i like the right angle to avoid stress on the plug insert while moving around on headphones.. but its a tiny plug so it isnt too bad.......now if you missed out on the 25th anniversary version this i believe is the same one except the cloth cable on the anniversary version has like dots on them....and its very hard to find now!