Aiwa HS-PX 1000
drummer - 2012-12-12 01:23
Hello everyone!
I must say that I am not a collector of these wonderful little thing, I'm just a musician who likes good sound. 20 years ago I bought Aiwa hs-px 1000, used 2 years. Walkman was 100% correct, and now after trying to switch it on it starts for a second and then turns itself off. Does anyone have any idea what could be, maybe belt?
Thank you experts!
minty - 2012-12-12 02:23
plop - 2012-12-12 10:31
It is the belt. I had the same problem with mine. Would attempt to spin up, then power off. Replaced the belt also whilst doing so, replaced the capacitors too.
drummer - 2012-12-12 13:27
Thank you both for your prompt response!
In any case, I have to open it and check the capacitors and belt.
Although I have experts for this operation, I will certainly have more questions...
here are the high level experts for walkmans ...
plop - 2012-12-12 13:45
Checking whether the belt is intact will be easy, as it will be a simple visual inspection. Replacing it won't be so, if it isn't intact. It should really only be tackled by someone experienced with handling a soldering iron, as there are some tricky parts that can be easily damaged inside. Whilst you are replacing the belt, it is worth checking/replacing the electrolytic capacitors too, as mentioned already they are prone to failure.