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Tape is coming back ^_^

gearwheel - 2013-01-31 02:11

as a new hitech product for energy saving data storage ...

as we know and love it ...

aob9 - 2013-01-31 03:25

Not too sure about storage, access speeds would surely be an issue.


But for audio..........well I've returned to analogue big time. Totally bored with the ol' "digital experience". Purchased a Yamaha KX393 cassette deck recently, it sounds fantastic and recording quality is excellent. 

gearwheel - 2013-01-31 06:53

think, engineers will find a way for digital datas on tape... the hunger for energy of all these server farms is incredible ...

my recording deck is a yammy kx 670, and i love it too ^_^ ... and your experience is the same i had in 2011....  gratz to your 393 !

cool.manchu - 2013-01-31 15:04

Tape-based storage has been around for years and it will always have a place for long-term storage. I work at a big company and we just launched a new taped-based storage device yesterday.


gearwheel - 2013-01-31 20:37

that`s right, i used tape streamers 20 yrs. ago for my PC ^_^... but i didn`t know, that they may build such devices which can hold so many datas ...