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what causes flutter?

wombat - 2010-01-09 19:48

I have a top-of-the-line Panasonic RQ-S35. Has a very noticeable flutter with most tapes. This unit is in great shape--not worn or abused. It either takes a gumstick (new) or on AA in the side car. I've made sure it's got good power. This should sound excellent but I get the flutter. I understand this is caused by tape speed? What causes this? The rubber pinch rollers are kind of stiff, and glazed over by age I think.

Chris C

rerooted - 2010-01-09 20:54

i happen to own the exact same model. i have probably owned it for a couple of years. when i got it the condition was like new but i have somehow managed to put a light scratch on the reverse. so i assume it had almost no use up to it being on the ebay usa. it is the most stable, reliable cassette player i have. no sound wobble or distortion of any kind has never been a problem. it should still be working perfectly unless,as you say,there is a tape speed problem. i read one time that a good temporary fix to worn rubber rollers it to lightly use a tiny amount of acetone or fingernail polish on the rubber to "melt" a fresh gripping surface. i doubt this is a very accepted cure but i used it one time and it worked. i can't remember what player i did it to as it has faded away with time. see if you can get anybody elses opinion on giving this at least a try. those rollers can get a very hard glazing and i can imagine the tape slipping if the rollers are also a bit out of line. before i tried this method i would give them an extra good cleaning with alcohol and i soft cuetip...good luck,,sounds like a fixable problem.

transwave5000 - 2010-01-09 21:02

Can be caused by the drive belt.
It will get kinks on it.
In this case the belt might look ok
but its not.

wombat - 2010-01-10 09:25

Thanks guys,
I'm going to try and freshen up the roller first. I'm going to research the reconditioning of the rubber first. Now that I think about it, the more it slips, the more it gets glazed from the tape. I'll report back soon.

2steppa - 2010-01-20 13:38

Could be lack of pressure on the pinch roller, sometimes an out-of-true (slightly bent) capstan can cause this too.