I got a Sony WM-D6C which looks like it's working, i.e. playback, fast forward, rewind, record, etc operate and the tape spins at what looks like the correct speed, the counter advances, playback stops automatically when the tape reaches the end, etc.
However, there is absolutely no sound output either through the headphone jack or line out. The peak indicator does not light at all (but battery indicator mode does light the lowest LED).
Any ideas what might be wrong, or which where (inside the unit) I should be looking to diagnose this problem? I have dis- and re-assembled the unit once already, but did not find anything that looked visibly broken, and I'm not familiar with tape deck parts to know how they should work.
dottor.walkman - 2010-10-03 13:57
read your message only now. If you have not solved yet, i maybe can help.
No, haven't actually had time to look at the issue since posting. Ideas on which parts/things to check most welcome—I have the repair manual and a multimeter + reasonable soldering skills.
Possible cause:
Inside there is a contact switch.
This turns off the amplifier for fast forward and rewind.
I think this switch is oxidized.
Could I have the same problem with a WM-DD1 - runs good but no output - or very, very low level - barley to hear..?? There is a contact switch as well...?
No, this Walkman did not switch to sound off at <<FF and REW>>.
Look here:
Originally posted by moses:
Could I have the same problem with a WM-DD1 - runs good but no output - or very, very low level - barley to hear..?? There is a contact switch as well...?
It is more likely that the capacitors have gone dry in the audio output channels on your Walkman. I had that happen to a HS-JX505. See
That´s what I thought - but the PCB looks like new, like the whole WM. Today I figured out a Hum on both channels with volume max and Dolby off-it stop when I switch Dolby on...! I think it´s somewhere in the Dolby amp - maybe IC 302. I need to get my Oszillo out and check the test point waves. Or get an other PCB....
Check the capacitor on the VCC line to the Dolby ICs. That may be failing and be the cause.
Yes, you´re right - I gonna change all Elect Chips an see what happens. Just place my order. Let you know.....
dottor.walkman - 2010-11-18 13:22
As for the lack of audio in D6C not underestimate the possibility of a problem on the inverter (from 6 volts to 11 volts).