Most of the time the DD9 is advertised/discussed as being free of belts. The name is also mildy misleading DD for direct drive?? I haven't seen an owner manual or Sony advertisment of the DD9 but discussions with other fellow collectors always seemed to highlight the fact that the forward and backward movements were entirely controlled by individual servo controlled motors , with no belts at all and that the DD9 was a rugged beast built to stand the tests of time
Kindly check out the exploded view of the innards of a DD9'll see the capstan belts(labelled no. 6) .... another intentional weak link or is it a lucky save in that belts areeasier to replace than DD gear wheels!!
buddy if you'ld show me how to open that beast i would have a look at'em !!!
shucks buddy, I should have shot pics of the last one I opened to change belts....I'll see if I can open the one I have atleast to post pics
Don't do it
here goes....
The DD9 Operating Instructions says the following: "Two-motor Disc Drive mechanism and Quartz lock capstan servo assure accurate and stable tape transport, greatly reducing wow and flutter. One motor is provided for the forward direction and another is provided for the reverse direction." A diagram in the manual indicates that a single crystal oscillator controls the servo circuit which controls both capstan motors. Could the capstan belts be used for the turntable spindles instead of the capstan rotation?
Could the capstan belts be used for the turntable spindles instead of the capstan rotation?
well ultimately they pose a weak link in what was thought to be an indestructible walkman...but luckily you get cheap spare belts unlike DD gear I am not complaining
I need to replace the DC input jack on my DD9. Is it difficult to disassemble/reassemble? If it's not too bad, I may as well replace the belts while I have it open. I have a moderate skill level only.
Is it difficult to disassemble/reassemble
Not if you go slow and steady and follow the manual. PM (personal message) me your email ID ,shall send you the DD9 service manual. Can't get belts at your end feel free to ask :-)
Originally posted by DocP:
Could the capstan belts be used for the turntable spindles instead of the capstan rotation?
well ultimately they pose a weak link in what was thought to be an indestructible walkman...but luckily you get cheap spare belts unlike DD gear I am not complaining
It looks to me like the motors drive the capstans directly (reducing wow on the move) & the belts transmit power to the spools for take-up, rew & ffwd (maybe for moing the heads?).
...shoot me down if I'm wrong - I'd like to learn
btw, Tim (rimmer36) may well bebefit from this knowledge.
i have managed to get both my TPS-L2 motors running backwards while changing both belts on each. that is they are unwinding the tapes rather than taking them up. i have undid the problem (without knowing how) a couple of times but now they are both going the wrong way. how did i manage to do this in the first place and how do i undo it ? both motors were not running when i first got them but with a little persuasion they worked fine for a while. like 20 hours or more of playing time. i would like to get these going again rather than stare at them opened up on the table. any help would be much appreciated.