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Aiwa TP-S30 & Sony WM-D6C Repair Help

andrew - 2011-05-17 11:19

Hi All,


It's time for me to repair my trusty Aiwa S30 which needs new belts.


So, I am looking for a service manual, a source for belts and any helpful tips to repair "the most difficult unit to repair".  Are there more than two belts in this thing?  Sizes?  You know, the usual!


After this project, I would like to tackle the harder one....possibly repairing my cracked pcb board Sony WM-D6C.  (Yes, it fell and landed on the Mic in jack while recording - breaking the board.)  Is it feasible to try and repair something of this nature or just donate it for parts?  (I'm good with a soldering iron)  What else, over time, needs to be looked at with this model?  I bought it new in 1987-88.




bub - 2011-05-18 04:18

I do not know the size of the belt but I can tell you that there are 2: One for the drive and one for the counter. Counter belt not necessary for function. Take lots of photos as you disassemble. There is a center piece with a pully on it that needs to be removed to access the belt, and must be aligned with the levers for the stop mechanism when placed back. Mine however is electronically screwed up (changing caps do not help, screams like crazy, volume pot is dead) so I will likely never get to hear a working one unless by some miracle another one pops up.


D6C belt is easy to change. Just a washer and screws. I guess the difficulty of the snapped board may depend on whether you have the phenolic for SMT board.