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Belt replacement Panasonic RQ-S45-65

minty - 2012-01-01 10:32

Greetings all. And a happy new year to all members.

Can anyone tell me if replacing belts on both Panasonic RQ-S45-65 is difficult? In other words, does the board require de-soldering to access the belt? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

retrodos - 2012-01-01 10:39

It require desolder the main PCB board, you need to desolder the relay points and servo motor, plus the contact switches.

minty - 2012-01-01 11:00

Damn. I don't do the whole solder thing. Why did manufacturers not make belts more accessible. Did they not realise they would stretch with time.

retrodos - 2012-01-01 11:13

Not with the Pansonics, you end up snapping the relay, I don't even recommend doing that to the aiwas.

minty - 2012-01-01 11:18

I found it easy. Just takes patience, and a steady hand. Knowledge of the belt layout also helps.

plop - 2012-01-01 11:27

For some Panasonic models slipping a new belt under the PCB is an impossiblity. This particularly true in some of the S models where the belt passes between two pulley wheels where those two pulley wheels are covered by a piece of metal to add additional stability. Complete dismantlement is the only way as once the PCB is removed you can then unscrew the metal piece to feed the belt around.

retrodos - 2012-01-01 12:14

The s65 does also have that plate over the capston fly wheel.

walkgirl - 2012-01-01 12:29

I believe DocP sells mint belts

- 2012-01-01 13:26

Originally Posted by walkgirl:

I believe DocP sells mint belts

 Wore out the "set" Bought Long time ago from "India"

Gonna be needing more '10-belts' someday