always adjusting head allighnment
whitenoise - 2013-10-01 07:52
What could cause me to always have to adjust head alignment,Almost on a tape to tape basis . Its on my Aiwa hs px 101 . All i have checked is the head its self and it is solid and stays were it is adjusted to (i carry a tiny screwdriver with me now).
Any ideas greatly appreciated as its beginning to wind me up
aestereo - 2013-10-01 09:01
What could cause me to always have to adjust head alignment,Almost on a tape to tape basis .
I read between the lines. Problem can be the tapes itself? Recording on each tape might be having a different azimuth.
Try with a different deck to check the consistency of the tapes.
seb968 - 2013-10-01 16:36
Could be that the head itself is slightly worn.
isolator42 - 2013-10-02 05:22
I too used to regularly realign my HS-PX101.
It was because my tapes were recorded on different decks, which unfortunately had different alignment.
Get it right & the Dolby C on this walkman is very impressive...
genejazz - 2013-11-03 11:41
Nakamichi Dragon adjusts heads all the time to match tapes for optimal PB performance. Azimuth is the achilles heel for tape.
shaman - 2014-02-17 10:14
like anything analogue, there always is an optimum centre of balance to be reached!
but to make things favourable I always make a point of forwarding and rewinding a tape when wanting to play it, as it settles the tape down, this I learned the hard way from a video tape that got chewed up, if you look through the window of a tape thats been constantly stop started/ auto reversed etc... you will see ridges in the spooled tape!
also when listening to your tape on something portable keep the player in the same position