andyboombox - 2010-07-12 05:26
I saw that site last year, not too sure what the point of it is as he appears to have sold 2 units in a year so it's not going to make him a millionaire. A lot of inaccurate info too.
he seems okay agent_ive had a sony tps l2 and a technidyne 170 off him and no probs-both are like brand spanking new-granted theyre expensive, its like when i was still buying boomboxes-could never find them at the car boot sales and flea markets etc,and rather than be defeated i waited and got the ones i wanted at full worth value-nothing i could do-because round here you'll wait forever to find decent walkmans etc at boot sales etc!!!!!!!!!!i gues it depends how much you want something-and perhaps that guy is fairly new to the game of walkmans???i dont know mate....anyones guess