infinitygain - 2008-03-05 20:02
Anybody heard of a Sony see through portable DAT?
what that means DAT
dead against terrorist
are you talking about sony walkmans that play DATA
DAT does mean Digital Audio Tape
There are also walkmans from that I believe!!
upsss I thought that we were getting invaded by terrorist.. I'm glad to hear that kittycat..
hello kittycatwoman.. I think my english is sometime terrible.. not to speak of my mind..
by the way kittycat.. can you find me a good picture that best represent my character.. hopefully you find a decent representation..
hey kittinwoman i love that cat but how can I put it in my profile? I have no idea.
Upload it tou your tinypic, and then put the
link into the box in your personal profile,
in the avatar thing
I have no idea how it works kitty but I really love the picture..
by the way I have a sony DAT
Just copy them onto your computer, and put
them on your photo account, then you can post the
link in your personal info thing
When you have a dat, why do you ask then?
because I wasn't so sure what it was.. so now I know is a sony DAT. will you love to see pictures.. it;s sitting somewhere in the jungle of my belongings.