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Sony WM-F60

ao - 2012-09-26 00:10

ANyone got one they want to pass on to me?

ao - 2012-09-26 00:11

One of these...


claret.badger - 2012-09-26 08:15


johnedward - 2012-09-26 09:13

Well Cris you certainly picked a bugger of a rare Walkman.   Of course if a collector is to have one it should be in a color for that extra showmanship look.  Yes I have this Red one ;-)   Also have two Black WM-F77 same mechanism but lacks TV and the EQ.  Interestingly enough the door is metal with a brushed finish really pretty in the red although photos don't seem to catch it.   Capstan spins but belt for cogs broke.  Motor works FF REV and Play.  Did risk a tape for a moment and sound is clear and works from Tape.   Radio works very well.  Loud player.  EQ works excellent no crackling when adjusted.  Tried the belt clip from the F77 although looks identical wont thread into F60.  Serial number is not high at # 25709.

















johnedward - 2012-09-26 10:00

BTW AO the photo you show on front of player it says WM-513   ????? What gives with that eh?  AND REALLY WEIRD.. THE EQ VALUES SOME ARE DIFFERENT AND THE ORDER IS ""REVERSED Left to Right "" ???

WM-F60     100 Hz  400 Hz   1 kHz   4 kHz   10 kHz

WM-513      10 kHz    3 kHz  1 kHz  300 Hz  100 Hz


I think the WM-F80 is the US released version same as the WM-F60 ??

ao - 2012-09-26 11:50

Yeah, that is interesting, never noticed that.  I simply went to google and typed 'sony wm-f60' and there was that pic.  OK, what's happened is that I used to have one and I sold it years ago, well, i've just found it's box plus all the bits so I figured i'd get another so the package is complete.  Though rare, I wager the box is actually worth more than the unit.  Thanks for the offer John but I really don't want to pay much for it.