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yahoo japan...

im.out.of.hear - 2009-10-06 16:38

does anyone know how i can get stuff from yahoo japan ? any middle men that can get stufffor me and wont charge me a fortune..i want a damm GF999,its bugging me bigtime..i effing want one..i see them all the time on yahoo japan,they dont ship worldwide,they dont accept paypal,they sell for nothing aswell,but it hurts because i cant buy them..
i`m going to start calling it yapoo japan..its hopeless,why dont the sellers just sell the boxes on ebay instead,they would get more interest then..

billy.the.binman - 2009-10-07 04:14

yeah there are inbetween guys, theres some company which will sort it out for you, you pay them they get it shipped to them, then to you.

cant remember who they are. but they do exist!