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Can Rage against the Machine do it? YES!

penge - 2009-12-20 03:25

Hear in the UK 60 million fans are hoping they can beat the X Factory guy.

Not that he's a bad singer or that the songs bad, and he has millions of 13 year old girls to vote for him.

It's just this same old system of churned out, happy happy, spoon feed music.(Susan Boyle is the one exception.)

Where's the Dylan, Johnny Rotton. M&M. Pearl Jam Etc:? ( I won't go on)

Anyway, we are of down the pub this afternoon if they win and down the pub if they don't!

davebush - 2009-12-20 09:21

I Agree

penge - 2009-12-20 12:10

Rage Against the Machine beat X Factor winner in charts.
Ahh.......all is not lost.