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41 today..

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-12 02:06

and it feels like it too Frown Smile

lav.loo - 2010-08-12 03:35

hey where,s the party?? Laugh Out Loud
happy b,day G,MAN you old dog you Big Grin

litfan - 2010-08-12 04:31

Ey. All the best paul lad. 5 more, and, you have caught me up. Are you out on the lash toneet? Few jars eh, the old amber nectar.

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-12 06:14

Cheers lav,cheers richard,yep,we are getting on now us oldies..not got long left now have we,well if we base it on how fast the last 10 years have past,gone in the snap..
I'm Tea total me richard,i dont do beer,not really a fan of the stuff,or the effects,no drink,no drugs,i dont smoke..i'm a straight head me mate..rather spend the money on a box or food..or import duty Big Grin

litfan - 2010-08-12 06:24

From manchester paul, and don`t drink. Mind you, i haven`t had a good neet out, since i quit the steelworks. Them was the days.

davebush - 2010-08-12 09:53

oh to be 41 again.........ahhhh................im 42 this november.............drat

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-12 10:10

oooff dave,your just infront of me..year older..
no richard,i'm a manchester fellow,and no beer mate..i dont touch nothing,bad for the health..Tea Only For Me Mate..

retro - 2010-08-12 10:27

Happy birthday Ghettoman!!!

pioneer - 2010-08-12 10:30

Happy Birthday GhettoMan and many more Brah!

litfan - 2010-08-12 10:44

Tea, paul lad?. Little finger stuck out job. Lapsang, or tetley`s.

lav.loo - 2010-08-12 11:09

i reckon he,s a TYPHOO man LITFAN Laugh Out Loud

docs - 2010-08-12 11:19

All the best G-man, appreciate all your help with boxes. Live long and prosper my friend.

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-12 13:03

Cheers guys Bigtime..yes i love my tea,i hate coffee..
richard,lav is actually correct..i'm sat here now with a cup of Typhoo !! Nod Yes
I also buy yorkshire or tetley,sometimes i do drink with my little finger out but only when i'm not aware that i'm doing it.. Big Grin

lav.loo - 2010-08-12 14:09

your kiddin me G,MAN Nod Yes hey i was only jokin, seriously you drink typhoo....hey it,s all good, i believe tea is good for you, although i never drink it, well maybe once a blue noon with a full pack of digestives Nod Yes hmmm i think il,e put the kettle on and have one for your birthday Big Grin Wink

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-12 14:54

yeah mate,defo a typhoo man..and now your making me want some biskwits aswell,not got none though til tomorrow,damm..
and doc,i dont know that much about boxes,but i'll always share the bits of knowlage what i do know,i'll always help if i can mate.. Smile

billy.the.binman - 2010-08-13 00:52

happy birthday Gman!

turn it up to 11

brigadier.vytas - 2010-08-13 03:53

Happy B-day, GhettoMate :]

penge - 2010-08-13 03:54

Happy birthday Ghettoman, keeprockin!!!

41em that was a while back...........................Penge

driptip - 2010-08-14 08:16

happy b,day Ghettoman, any pics?

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-14 09:41

hi hugo,the only pics i have of me was done over a year ago,i dont look as clean and smooth as that now,depression as caused me to let myself go abit since then..
i've had depression for years but i have ups and downs,but the past year has been pretty much down all the way,and once it gets you,you just cant get back up again..its a bad thing to have mate..anyhow,,here you go man..oh if my eyes dont look right on the super jumbo pic,its not a picture fault,its right,iam blind in one eye so it looks a bit wrong..

litfan - 2010-08-14 09:42

41, what`s that in boombox years paul lad Wink.

redbenjoe - 2010-08-14 12:34

same from me Gman -

have a great year Smile

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-14 14:48

cheers guys,thank you ira,i will try..richard,i think its about 100 Smile well i feel like bloody 100...

isolator42 - 2010-08-16 03:03

Twinnings English Breakfast, surely? ...so long as you've swiped enough bags from the motorway services Big Grin
Originally posted by Litfan:
Tea, paul lad?. Little finger stuck out job. Lapsang, or tetley`s.

Many happy returns to you & all others of this "certain age"... myself included. I feel nearer 80, so I guess I'm doing better than gettoman Smile
I've got 4 kids & whoever said "children keep you young" wants shooting Big Grin

penge - 2010-08-17 01:06

"I've got 4 kids & whoever said "children keep you young" wants shooting"
That's for sure isolator42.

My 2 are a lot older now and are Ok.
But i still remember the nights driving around looking for the lad
and the girl disappearing for a few days.

I won't go on you know the score.
It does get better, they take us out for dinner now.

There was great car sticker you used to be able to get in Aus
"Live long enough to be a burden to your kids."

walkgirl - 2010-09-04 22:36

41 is really old Confused Big Grin

I have clients who are over 100! Eek

THAT is old!, not 41! Smile

adespin - 2010-09-08 13:03

Hey GMAN, Congrat's, your now old enough to have picked up some wisdom, and young enough to remember where you got it from. Laugh Out Loud

Hope you make another 41 not out. Smile

enskanker - 2010-09-24 04:17

Ahhh, Ghettoman, your one one of the good guys.
Happy Much belated BD.
And remember....

You’re Only As Old As The Woman You Feel.

Do that enough and we can call you ghettomoan!!!