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good music never dies!

toocool4 - 2010-09-10 14:20

I would hardly call Kraftwerk dull, but I guess compared to some of the songs from Depeche Mode it may be called dull by some.
To me Kraftwerk are the original pioneers of electronic music that inspired groups like Depeche Mode, Human League, Ultravox, Gary Numan etc

I have to say I like them all but if I had to make a choice between Depeche Mode and Kraftwerk, I’ll have to pick Kraftwerk Wink

litfan - 2010-09-10 14:32

Yep, kraftwerk, depeche mode. DULL, sorry. I`m a melodic rock man.

lav.loo - 2010-09-10 14:49

like most people i like all kinds of music, apart from opera and classical, it all depends on your mood really, i think there,s nothing like a good old motown tune to put you on a high, i love bands like the detroit spinners and the four tops Nod Yes Wink

toocool4 - 2010-09-10 14:51

Well we all like different things, which is good else we would all like the same thing. Did I read you like Katy Perry Litfan? Different aye not for me Wink

Hi LAV LOO I love all music too classical the lot, just trying to get into opera but don’t know where to start.

litfan - 2010-09-10 15:07

Big Grin. Some katy perry. What about "the cars", a good mixture. The early stuff.

lav.loo - 2010-09-10 15:13

well if you want to get into opera TC4, pavarotti maybe a good start Big Grin
LITFAN, did the carrs sing who,s gonna drive you home...cos im not Big Grin Wink

litfan - 2010-09-10 15:17

Oh heck. One of their worst. "just what i needed". Classic. Shame the guy who sang it (benjamin orr), is no longer here. A victim of pancreatic cancer. Great shame.

lav.loo - 2010-09-10 15:28

yes that is a shame, my dad also has pancreatic cancer, well he has had the op last year Wink

toocool4 - 2010-09-11 00:34

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
well if you want to get into opera TC4, pavarotti maybe a good start Big Grin

Good tip LAV LOO i'll try that.

penge - 2010-09-11 02:56

Hi LAV LOO I love all music too classical the lot, just trying to get into opera but don’t know where to start.

You start with the Opera Turandot by Puccini sung by the most beautiful singer Maria Callas.
When i was young i really dislike it. I used to wonder why these old guys got into opera and knew i would be an old guy to someday, i said someday!
. So probably go the same way and get in to it.
There are 1910 Opera singers 1920 ect: All singing the same Operas but all sound different.
You get to find your favorite singers.
My wife get these LP's at the Op shops. OK! back to Beastie Boys.

toocool4 - 2010-09-12 05:35

Thanks Penge yes i do know of Maria Callas, i will give it a try.

Yes Beastie Boys, love them too. Just listening to a bit of Brass Monkey now. Big Grin

dougie - 2010-09-14 22:22

Sorry I am a couple of days late to the discussion, but I started reading and just had to get in on this one!!
I really like just about every band you guys discussed, the 70's and 80's rock, the electronic stuff, early hip-hop or rap...good stuff you guys!
Anybody like the 60's stuff?? Maybe Beatles, The Doors, perhaps some early Velvet Underground??
How 'bout Bob Dylan, or Jimi Hendrix? Janis Joplin?
Lav you mentioned Motown...dude u r a man after my own heart!! Love me some Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, The Spinners...Ahhh, I could go on for days!!

toocool4 - 2010-09-15 01:27

Yes Motown is always a winner. I loved the Beach Boys, but I have to say the Beatles are so overrated.

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 01:38

hey DOUGIE i forgot marvin gaye, what a legend, we could go on and on here, and TC4, i agree totally about the beatles, i personally can,t stand em, i thought the guys made better records in their solo careers Wink

penge - 2010-09-15 01:40

The song book is on the desk right now. Having an other look at Desolation RD.

What can you say about Dylan, he just about wrote ever song in the world.
Seen him 5 times, last time 6 weeks ago. First in 76 the other 4 times he's was real rubbish. (but we keep trying) Nature doesn't give it all to you.
He wrote Masters of War in 1963 unbelievable. The magic voice of Eddie Eedder is a great version of this song.
He not only wrote great political/protest songs but also beautiful love songs.
One more cup of coffee, Sara , etc: etc:
RIGHT! i am going to shut up now otherwise this email will be 93 pages long.
I love the version of D R, real rock by My Chemical Romance - "Desolation Row" It's just 3 verses out of the 10.

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 01:54

iv,e no doubt DYLAN is a legend, but i have to say most of the bands/singers mentioned here are a bit before my time Big Grin im 35 yrs old and did,nt really start listening to music till the mid/late 80,s, but the bands i have mentioned i remember my dad used to play them and that,s how i grew to love them.
here,s another few i love, QUEEN absolute legends, THE POLICE my favourite track being, every little thing she does is magic...just brilliant, and im going to mention a great underrated female artist here from the gr80,s ALISON MOYET Wink

toocool4 - 2010-09-15 02:02

Alison Moyet and Tracey Thorn I just love their voices. Cool

penge - 2010-09-15 02:05

Never seen her she must be Invisible.

But will do if she turns up in Brighton.
Got the LP somewhere.

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 02:07

i am not familiar with tracy thorn TC4, but ALISON MOYET has a fantastic voice, very unique and very powerful, she was also good in YAZOO along with VINCE CLARKE the synth wizard Wink

toocool4 - 2010-09-15 02:10

Tracey Thorn is one half of Everything But The Girl and she has done loads of collaboration with Massive Attack.

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 05:39

ahh i know who you mean now Big Grin that group you mention MASSIVE ATTACK, they done a song i really like, from 91 i think, called unfinished sympathy, absolute fantastic song Nod Yes
another female artist forgotten about would be a singer who was born just round the corner from me here in rochdale, manchester, LISA STANSFIELD, she had a great voice Wink

toocool4 - 2010-09-15 05:48

Yes Unfinished Sympathy, I love the Paul Oakenfold mix. Cool

Yes what has happened to Lisa Stansfield?

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 08:41

not sure what has happened to lisa? but i remember a great song from her from the late 80,s, it was a collaboration with COLDCUT and the song was called PEOPLE HOLD ON, it was kind of a house track and i loved that stuff back then Wink

toocool4 - 2010-09-15 09:07

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
not sure what has happened to lisa? but i remember a great song from her from the late 80,s, it was a collaboration with COLDCUT and the song was called PEOPLE HOLD ON, it was kind of a house track and i loved that stuff back then Wink

I have it on 12" single

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 10:59

"wow" the old vinyl eh, i used to have a lot of vinyl all kinds of stuff, i loved to play it on my old 80,s pioneer seperates, absolute quality Nod Yes i got rid of all my vinyl a few years back and i regret it, cd,s can,t hold a flame to vinyl, there,s nothing like putting the needle on the record and letting it spin Big Grin

toocool4 - 2010-09-15 11:56

Me I never got off vinyl, I did have a look but could not find a CD player to beat my record player. That was years ago and now I have an even better record player. For me it’s vinyl all the way. Cool

davebush - 2010-09-15 12:19


toocool4 - 2010-09-15 12:23

Originally posted by davebush:

Elvis who? Never heard of him / her.

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 14:22

ELVIS...great performer...not such a good singer, but still a legend Nod Yes not for me though Big Grin

toocool4 - 2010-09-15 14:27

Another overrated artist

lav.loo - 2010-09-15 14:37

I Agree but ELVIS had/has a massive following and i think that has a lot to do with him being a legend, same with the beatles Wink