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my pizza hut trip!

lav.loo - 2010-10-09 13:37

hey guys, decided to go to pizza hut for a take out tonight Big Grin
i walked there with my girlfriend while my bro watched the kids.
anyway i got to the bottom of my street and there was a gang of drunken youths fighting which is normal where i live Frown anyhow, one of the youths started shouting abuse at me and came over trying to pick a fight, i was kind of amused because this little scrote was only 15/16 yrs old Big Grin luckily for him he's so called mates dragged him away saying he was very drunk.
what gets me is you can't even take a short walk these days without some little maggott trying it on.
society has decayed to a point where i think there's no going back and it's a shame, this country used to be a lovely place to live, and now in most parts (not all) it's a living hell.
that lad was probably carrying a knife as most youths do these days and he probably would of used it if he got the chance, it's really hard to find any peace these days and it gets me down Nod Yes all i wanted to do was to get a large pepperoni pizza without any hassle Wink

walkgirl - 2010-10-09 13:46


Jup, that is what is wrong these days, here those kids
race them scooters all night long through the streets and through the pedestrian walks! Mad

And ontop of that they scratch a few cars for fun!! Mad Frown

lav.loo - 2010-10-09 14:42

Eek i thought holland was all strawberry fields and weed cafes WG Laugh Out Loud Smile

driptip - 2010-10-09 15:22

why would he shout abuse?

lav.loo - 2010-10-09 15:36

i think he was trying to impress he's friends by trying it on with a bigger older guy Nod Yes
there was a lot of arguing and fighting going on with him and other youths, way too much alcohol in the bloodstream Nod Yes Wink

fresh.produce - 2010-10-09 18:35

Where iam from I try 2 change kids like that I work for a youth program at which I meet lots of youth I try 2 show thm differnt outlets lik music dance or sk8boarding and make school important to them its suck that these days all kids want to do is drink do drugs and party but all we could do is try to led them in the right way

lav.loo - 2010-10-10 03:32

I Agree they need direction, also i think the parents hold a certain amount of responsibility Nod Yes where i live, the parents are as bad as the kids Nod Yes

ao - 2010-10-11 01:29

We don't get any of that over here. It's one of the things I miss about the UK, I used to like a bit of argy bargy of an evening.

lav.loo - 2010-10-11 02:25


penge - 2010-10-11 03:33

So it was you at the Duke of Wellington in 88, agentorange!

lav.loo - 2010-10-11 04:42

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud nice 1 PENGE Big Grin i bet AGENT O is a millwall fan Big Grin

isolator42 - 2010-10-11 05:00

Originally posted by LAV LOO:
...society has decayed to a point where i think there's no going back and it's a shame, this country used to be a lovely place to live, and now in most parts (not all) it's a living hell...
Sorry to hear that.

It's true, there are some real dog-holes in the UK, but I think there always has been. Personally, I don't think the media-driven idea that society is in terminal decline is 100% true. They just say it to sell papers - bad news sells, unfortunately.

I know certain parts of Manchester quite well; namely Rusholme & Salford, & I wouldn't like to try & raise a family in either place. For example, when my mate moved into Salford (he was at the University), the house was obviously being watched. The day after they moved in, the front door was forced & the place had been turned over to look for stuff. Luckily, my mate & his housemates were forewarned of this sort of thing, & had moved in with only bare essentials & nothing of value (no TV, stereos etc.). The house-breaking fkrs got nothing.
Not much of a welcome though, eh?
After that they had a rota so the place was never empty. Not much of a way to live, IMHO.

If you possibly can I'd wholeheartedly recommend getting away from the area. You only get one go at this life & if it's at all possible to live it in safety & happiness, I say go for it.

Originally posted by agentorange:
...It's one of the things I miss about the UK, I used to like a bit of argy bargy of an evening.
Before he moved to Gallic pastures new, Cris lived in a place called Redhill, which is a sort of training ground for people working their way up to having a fight in Croydon of a Saturday evening.

lav.loo - 2010-10-11 05:08

ye salford is a bad place to be, i don't really live that close to it though luckily, im about 8 miles away (not far enough) Big Grin it does have a good flea market though, probably mostly knocked off gear Laugh Out Loud
i like your quote about AGENT O once living in redhill, that must explain he's liking of argy bargy Big Grin Wink

isolator42 - 2010-10-12 01:00

Salford flea market would deffo be the place to buy back all your ripped off gear.

My mate who lived in Rusholme had his hifi separates nicked in a burglary & he was pretty sure he saw the exact same components in a pawn shop the next week... serial numbers scratched off & power cables cut, the 2 dead givaways of nicked electricals...

ah well, eight miles away sounds far enough Smile

To be fair, Redhill isn't that bad...

penge - 2010-10-12 03:32

]To be fair, Redhill isn't that bad...[/quote]
Yes it's got a bit better now.
My Brother in law lives in Redhill.
In the 80s/90s,when i was over from Aus buying antiques we used to have the odd pub crawl around Redhill and there was some right rough pubs then.All the pubs are now nearly gone.

So now i am respectable and drink coffee. (joke!)
Who would ever think that a cup of coffee would be the same price as a pint.

lav.loo - 2010-10-12 04:04

you must drink some seriously expensive coffee PENGE Big Grin

isolator42 - 2010-10-13 05:22

Nope, Penge is right.
In Starbucks, it's easy to spend over £3 on one coffee (grande, latte, blah-de-blah wossname, etc.). Plenty of pubs in London sell a decent pint of ale for less than £3.

walkgirl - 2010-10-13 09:45

We do not even have pizza hut!, I was in one when I was in London in 2005 Smile

yummy pizza Smile

ao - 2010-10-13 10:10

Haha, I love how these posts meander about. Iso lives just down the road from Redhill in one of it's more attractive villages. Redhill is one of those places like Stevenage where they shipped Londoners during the war so sadly it's now a Mecca for those who choose to live on the edge of society & it's not nice at night, esp around the ubiquitous Taxi rank/kebab shop pairing, where it often kicks off, sometimes quite badly. We often came close but never really got caught up in any scrapes, due in part to having streetwise mates who know how to behave & exactly what to tolerate even after a few ales.

So here in France it's a very different deal, for starters this lot don't have that drink as fast as you can from 7.00 - 11.00 thing going on & they are all wine connoisseurs so a nation with a respect of alcohol can go a long way to keeping the Saturday evenings mild & peaceful.

So, do I miss the excitement of a mindless boozy verbal exchange on a Saturday night while waiting for a large Donner (with everything on) making sure it stays fractionally shy of warranting fisticuffs, yeah, I do kinda.