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some members MIA

kid.sensation - 2008-04-19 08:43

Hola guys..

I know from some members having private issues that keep them away from S2G.

But my intention of this thread is for members like ol' Tim ( Rimmer ) , Monolithic and so on.

Anyone of you know where they are or saw them around?

Any news on this?

Thanks Smile

moncheeto - 2008-04-19 08:49

yea it been awhile but i guess is to wait and let them show up when they want they are great guys but they may have other interest that they maybe attending to.... Smile

kittmaster - 2008-04-19 08:51

i believe some members were spanked for their poor attitudes and have not been back since, most likely by choice......that would be my guess.

thafuzz - 2008-04-19 09:23

I was thinking about MacDude's whereabouts too. There are a few others that come to mind now that I think of it. I hope they pop up again soon at least to say "hi".

enskanker - 2008-04-19 12:27

Joe Cool, AgentO, Pot, Lit, krush, getto, mac, rockbox, retro, S2G,
many more. Frown

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-19 12:34


jvc.floyd - 2008-04-19 12:59

and goode ole autobot Frown

ned.209 - 2008-04-19 15:19

Joe Cool, AgentO, Lit, mac, rockbox, and retro will pop back on at some stage.

- 2008-04-19 17:05

Originally posted by jvc floyd:
and goode ole autobot Frown

I drop in every few days, just been lurking in the s2go shadows Big Grin

jvc.floyd - 2008-04-19 17:08

nice to see you man!

fatdog - 2008-04-19 17:43

914dino, a-ko, fins5, cali9dub, docs, nomad1


matrixambience - 2008-04-19 19:26

Hey Adam (Thafuzz)....I believe that Macdude is now in his first year of college now and he moved from his hometown to State College,PA to further his education. I PM-ed him a couple times a while back and he told me has been very busy with school more, so he doesn't get on here much.He is a cool fella!

jcyellocar - 2008-04-19 20:26

billpc55 is awol too

redbenjoe - 2008-04-19 21:21

and enskankers been gone for hours Smile

ford93 - 2008-04-19 21:38

Mono has not been here for awhile too.

thafuzz - 2008-04-19 23:13

Macdude is now in his first year of college

Ahh.. good for him. I was thinking Billpc55, Autobot84 and the usual suspects-oops!... I mean amigos Wink . Thanks for the update Matrix ol' buddy. It's good to see people asking for each other's status.

penge - 2008-04-20 00:21

and enskankers been gone for hours

Much to all our joy.

redbenjoe - 2008-04-20 03:01

Laugh Out Loud

enskanker - 2008-04-20 03:46

HighVoltage is sorely missed.

enskanker - 2008-04-20 04:29

Let me de-lurk on that question:

From Wikipedia:

The term dates back to the mid-1980s. Because BBSs were often accessed by a single phone line (frequently in someone's home), there was an expectation that all who used a bulletin board would contribute to its content by uploading files and posting comments. Lurkers were viewed negatively, and might be barred from access by the sysop, if they did not contribute anything but kept the phone line tied up for extended periods.

By contrast, many modern Internet communities now advise newbies to lurk for some time to get a feel for the specific culture and etiquette of the community, lest they make an inappropriate or redundant comment, ask a Frequently Asked Question, or incite a flame war. This leads to the tongue-in-cheek command to "lurk more". The verb to "de-lurk" means to start contributing actively to a community having been a lurker previously.

There are also some who lurk on a forum habitually, and rarely, if ever, contribute. It is generally difficult to guess how many such lurkers are present, due to their silence

redbenjoe - 2008-04-20 07:51

thanks ed --that says it all--

so all that remains are for the above members mentioned and missed -
to de-lurk

Tap Toes

- 2008-04-21 17:30

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
thanks ed --that says it all--

so all that remains are for the above members mentioned and missed -
to de-lurk

Tap Toes
im here ira how ya been keeping dude, shame the rest wont come back somehow i doubt we will ever see the likes of Litfan again i knew he was leaving just before i threw my wobbla Laugh Out Loud but i hope he will come back along with the rest of em

redbenjoe - 2008-04-21 18:18

hi tim - why did litfan stop posting -- do you know ?
(or dont tell if it may be a problem -ok )

daiwa - 2008-04-21 21:19

Good to see you rimmer.
Sad, but some loyal members do go on to other interests. Maybe lits sewing some new doilies! Big Grin

enskanker - 2008-04-22 03:38

Rimtimtim you make my heart swim, am happy to read your input.

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-22 06:41

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
hi tim - why did litfan stop posting -- do you know ?
(or dont tell if it may be a problem -ok )

I don't really understand people asking questions like this.....

To be here, or not to be here, that is the question.....

It's personal choice. You *choose* to visit the site, or not.

You *choose* to post, or to lurk. Or switch back and forth as you please.

I think we'd all be better off if we spent less time worrying about what everyone else is doing, and more time talking about boomboxes, walkman radios, media, etc.

But that's just me.