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ALOT is Wrong

redbenjoe - 2008-03-21 19:47

with all the truly great fun, knowledge, trades, etc etc -- we all have around this fabulous site --
the very LAST matter i want to post about is the replys to the entire months worth of 10 or 20 or 50 (???) piles of crap that kind rimmer has posted

i would have responded like NEVER --
what a pain in the a-s it is to do this

BUT -i have so many PMs from interested members here -
and to respond 'privately' to all them -- would be like talking behind a members back-

still -- i did not say a word -- Smile
but finally - rimmer did something so seriuosly sicko low down -- that i cant even talk about THAT

however --since rimmer has made some other lovely comments like this :

"iras WORD = F-CK all" --(PUBLIC POST)

its probably time to get this puke over with -and move on --

time out for fun :

of much more importance -- is that at the request of several members -- who need ( Smile) the actual pictures of my last fridays fort lauderdale spring break trip -

well sorry for the delay -
but due to my licensing arrangements with "girls gone wild" and the adult content--
i was obligated to withhold them for one week-

but very pleased to announce -that 'coming soon'
right here on off-topc ......
get ready Laugh Out Loud

ok - here we are back to the boring "what happened part ::
i am sorry to say that i always felt bad for rimmer (another reason why i hoped this sh-t would just go away) --
and offered to help him out --in lots of ways -

and 'holding' boxes for him was fine-
in fact i hold boxes for any member
(HOLDING THREE AT THIS MOMENT - for 3 different members)

of course we all want to trust each other-
and rimmer is just so well 'adored' around here

like : good old rimmer --i sure did WANT to trust him-
how can you not laugh with and like a guy with all those cute posts :::

'my boxes are all broken'
' i lost my quid '
'cant find my handle'

so, that "poor old rimmer" act conned me into trusting him --

anyhow - no matter how much we like to help our buddies - there ARE LIMITS:
like how many boxes , how many weeks (and MORE weeks) and under what circumstances ???

well - without the details - i just will say that rimmer way over-abused all these limits-

so - at a certain point :

1. i stopped buying into his phoney 'poor rimmer act'
2. learned never to trust him again --

3. and placed some of the boxes that he "SAID" he wanted me to hold --
back on the s2g bump squad -- Smile -

these boxes sat there for about a week -- and then some were sold to members

so THATS the entire long crappy story

---i dont want to ever say the he would be a fake phoney to any other members here -

but to me -- he has shown his true colors -

we have some very cool new members here this month --and i am ashamed that this crap had to get posted.

get we now get on with the fun -- Smile

fatdog - 2008-03-21 19:51

Flabbergasted. Frown

ned.209 - 2008-03-21 21:09

things are a bit pear shaped aright. Redben i think your an asset to the site. you seem to be taking a bit of flak which im confused by. i missed what happened with GS, another very nice guy. wtf did happen? i dont want to make you feel ill at ease, i hope im not. yeah the site is a place we come to relax, r and r and all that but theres a lot of different peoples on here and incedents are to be expected. ive had loads of tustles with members over the years, but forgotton them within a week for the most part and got on with the show, the show must go on, it rocks

redbenjoe - 2008-03-21 21:16

ned -- its a 'not to worry' thing --

btw - does Ireland have "spring break" ? Smile

ned.209 - 2008-03-21 21:26

nah man, it rains all day here. im making a break for this summer, im outta here! stupid country is in the wrong place
unless theres some serious tectonic activity its gonna continue raining

redbenjoe - 2008-03-21 21:32


moncheeto - 2008-03-21 21:38

i hope not

walkgirl - 2008-03-22 00:20

Redbenjoe, is it not something you could
take off topic with Tim?

redbenjoe - 2008-03-22 01:28

walkgirl, you are very right --
except this one is very over Smile

enskanker - 2008-03-22 04:15

Akward words exchanged
another lie revealed
A meaningless sorry for
more wounds left unhealed

Arguements break out
each one takes a side
waiting for a box
across the continental divide

walkgirl - 2008-03-22 04:21

Well, I think there is alot wrong here on
this forum, peoples missunderstand each other
all the time!, why?, I do not know,
it is just as if they only want to see the bad
things people write, they just do not see the
good things peoples do or write.


ford93 - 2008-03-22 04:59

Well I hope this mess could mend the pain between Red and Rim. Lets start new again guys I really hate to see this kind of drama going on between two good members. It's just a radio it should have not reached this level like the wise guys would say "Fo get about it"! Big Grin

moncheeto - 2008-03-22 08:19

yeap Cool

enskanker - 2008-03-22 08:23

I searched my Tao Te Ching and feel this is appropriate here:

The motion of nature
is cyclic and returning.
Its way is to yield,
for to yield is to become.
All things are born of being;
being is born of non-being.

metad - 2008-03-22 10:36

what a filthy thread.
what's the purpose of this topic?
what's that... love or hate? think about it.