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Re: all the drama

enskanker - 2008-03-14 04:27

What would A.L. do:

I am not bound to win but I am bound to be true.
I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live up to what light I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right; stand with them while they are right and part with them when they go wrong.

Abraham Lincoln

skippy1969 - 2008-03-14 05:23

Uhhhmmm Ed,Abraham Lincoln is dead. Red Face Roll Eyes Wink

redbenjoe - 2008-03-14 05:45

honest abe (as we used to call him) achieved fame for being on the penny --
and most recently featured as ramons former avitar Smile

enskanker - 2008-03-14 06:28

Skippy, yes of course he is, my error.

I'll re-phrase.

What would President Lincoln have done at the time, when he was alive if he ever got that thing out of his ear.

Better yet...

What would Jesus have done if he had'nt been spinning:

oldskool69 - 2008-03-14 10:52

Originally posted by enskanker:
Skippy, yes of course he is, my error.

I'll re-phrase.

What would President Lincoln have done at the time, when he was alive if he ever got that thing out of his ear.

Better yet...

What would Jesus have done if he had'nt been spinning:

Laugh Out Loud

Jesus didn't need to spin. He said, "Thou shalt spin and remix." And it was so. Big Grin