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Oh No, this again

ao - 2008-03-12 11:40

You just can't say this.


ned.209 - 2008-03-12 12:18

its a racist term for a person of African decent.
nasty. helps that the person cant spell.


1. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
2. Psychology. a person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.
Compare feeble-minded.

[Origin: 1905–10, Americanism; < Gk mōrón, neut. of mōrós foolish, dull]

- 2008-03-12 12:22

I hit a wog once while on my big wheel Big Grin

beatbox - 2008-03-12 18:02

It's like saying "For sale - N**ger Box"

You just don't do it. It's highly offensive and a term that went out of use a very long time ago (or so we thought). This person is living in the dark ages. But then again ignorance is not an excuse.

I've written to him asking to change his title.

It's really quite upsetting in this day and age.

oldskool69 - 2008-03-12 19:28

I've deleted my previous post as I did not realize what a B***ch A** term it was. As a person of german and black (african-american for the PC crowd) heritage I get sick when I hear a derogatory term for any race. That just sucks. Roll Eyes

beatbox - 2008-03-13 04:09

Well, he changed it.

jaredscottfla - 2008-03-13 04:44


penge - 2008-03-13 04:50

Well done beatbox.

mafiagato - 2008-03-14 03:53

ops, just a question and excuse my ignorance:

the word "ni**a or ni**er" is a insult?

I know is a term to say black people, but never believe is a insult cos too many rappers use this word, like N.W.A in his famous album, PE, etc
the translation in spanish is negrata and we use this word whit our blacks friends and they accept it, like they call us "blanquitos", is slang or street talk not a racist term, but im talking about spain.

please let me know, maybe i write this word and i dont want insult anybody from another country and i dont want piss off if someday i trip to USA or UK Confused

thanks mates

oldskool69 - 2008-03-14 11:03

Originally posted by MafiaGato:
ops, just a question and excuse my ignorance:

the word "ni**a or ni**er" is a insult?

I know is a term to say black people, but never believe is a insult cos too many rappers use this word, like N.W.A in his famous album, PE, etc
the translation in spanish is negrata and we use this word whit our blacks friends and they accept it, like they call us "blanquitos", is slang or street talk not a racist term, but im talking about spain.

please let me know, maybe i write this word and i dont want insult anybody from another country and i dont want piss off if someday i trip to USA or UK Confused

thanks mates

The best way I can tell you is this. Don't use any of the terms period. Regardless of race. I myself are of German and Black (African American for the political correct) and I don't like it when blacks use the term 'N***a or whatever. It's hard to justify complaining if another race uses a foul term when you find it acceptable simply because "My race can say it to me but another race can't." It was a derogatory term derived from the the word negro/negri which merely defined dark skin or the color black. I would say to anyone that just beacuse it's acceptable "within your nationality or race" does not make it acceptable. No No And I can't begin to mention other names I've beeen called becaused I am of a multi national heritage. Either way it's bad business. No No

mafiagato - 2008-03-14 12:24

oki, thanks.
I see, is better dont use it.

In europe or in usa sure the people thinks the spaniards are moroccans, only becouse we are near of Morocco. We have all kind of people living here now and is good, be a racist no is good No No

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