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ye ol' egg vs. conion thingy

peter.griffin - 2008-02-29 06:43

This is like an "annual event"Smile Every year someone brings up the "egg versus Brick" comparison? I like it, I like hearing everyone's opinions. It gives insight into members personalitiesSmile

Really, I don't think I would carry any of my boomboxes outside. Brick or Egg. First off, I would be walking by myself(wife wouldn't be near me), and I don't think I could take all the people staring at me and laughingSmile

Ok, here is a great "analogy" of the egg. Nothing to look at, but the music coming out of it will blow you awaySmile

enskanker - 2008-02-29 06:47


Frank Sinatra owned a Conion:


Yet 'she' prefers the egg.....

mafiagato - 2008-02-29 06:50

no problemo Ira Wink hope someday i can touch one c-100 whit my hands, aye Nod Yes

oldskool69 - 2008-02-29 06:55

[QUOTE]Originally posted by enskanker:

Yet 'she' prefers the egg.....[QUOTE]

Is it too early for the GGPM club?!?!? Big Grin

I'd take her over an egg any day! Laugh Out Loud

- 2008-02-29 07:02

My fear is that soon:

www.stereo2go.com will become


And if so, so be it. There is a saying..."All good things come to an end"...and i do beleive it Wink


enskanker - 2008-02-29 07:06


peter.griffin - 2008-02-29 07:16

Haha, Gord, that will never happenSmile It's like saying "no one will ever want muscle cars again". We're all on this forum because we love 80's bricksSmile But it's ok to "appreciate" some of the last great one's from 90'sSmile

- 2008-02-29 07:27

Originally posted by peter griffin:
I don't think I would carry any of my boomboxes outside. Brick or Egg. First off, I would be walking by myself(wife wouldn't be near me), and I don't think I could take all the people staring at me and laughingSmile

No No


peter.griffin - 2008-02-29 07:37

Sorry Gord, I did it plenty in the 90's, with my M90, but that was then, this nowFrown

I bring boomboxes to camping/cottage/picnics. But I can't see myself walking down the street blaring any of my brick's or eggsSmile

enskanker - 2008-02-29 08:08

When I do it I drive to a new deserted subdivision where nobody can see me....

- 2008-02-29 08:14

Originally posted by enskanker:
When I do it I drive to a new deserted subdivision where nobody can see me....

I don't blame you...those eggs are painfull on the eyes Laugh Out Loud


- 2008-02-29 08:17

Dont worry g this thread will get you eggsasperated

Any more comments like this this people will start eggziting this thread

we will have to get more people posting on this thead we will have to egg em on

will people be eggzausted reading this

all these jokes is a bit of an eggsentric thing to do

enskanker - 2008-02-29 08:25

Way to go Rimtimtim...
I award you with this....

- 2008-02-29 08:31

Originally posted by rimmer36:
Dont worry g this thread will get you eggsasperated

Laugh Out Loud


- 2008-02-29 08:56

If we keep doing this panasonic fan will eggsicute this thread.

realy though there is no way you can compare an egg to a conion or an m90 there totally different beasts, if i had to choose between an egg or an m90 it would be an m90 evry time unless my mod is so good, and the same for a conion you just cant beat those looks but i do love the odd egg that being the dt707 dt75 and the ed 90, you could throw all the rest in the bin as far as im concurned.

vladi123456 - 2008-02-29 19:03

Wow, late to the party - as usual.... So here's my priceless comment - Ira, great job on comparing those boxes! Your thread was so controversial that even Gord came back from the hiding - hi Gord!!! Big Grin
Anyways, I need to go make me another drink - peace Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-02-29 19:15

Originally posted by enskanker:
When I do it I drive to a new deserted subdivision where nobody can see me....

and we do it in the dark

oldskool69 - 2008-02-29 19:25

Originally posted by vladi123456:
So here's my priceless comment Big Grin

You mean useless?!?!?! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

vladi123456 - 2008-02-29 19:44

Originally posted by oldskool69:
Originally posted by vladi123456:
So here's my priceless comment Big Grin

You mean useless?!?!?! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

I feel confident that both egg-lovers and Conion-heads are super excited about my enticing and intoxicating comment - you must be neither one if you feel otherwise Wink
And totaly off subject - Jonny Walker black label is not as good as I remembered it to be - I'm going back to 18 year old scotches Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-02-29 19:46

the red label is crude -- but has more kick to it

oldskool69 - 2008-02-29 20:07

Originally posted by vladi123456:
Originally posted by oldskool69:
Originally posted by vladi123456:
So here's my priceless comment Big Grin

You mean useless?!?!?! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

I feel confident that both egg-lovers and Conion-heads are super excited about my enticing and intoxicating comment - you must be neither one if you feel otherwise Wink
And totaly off subject - Jonny Walker black label is not as good as I remembered it to be - I'm going back to 18 year old scotches Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out LoudI was excited as well, and may I recommend "The Glenlivet"! Laugh Out Loud

vladi123456 - 2008-02-29 20:08

Man, you read my mind - that is my favorite! I like the 18 year old kind - super smooth.
By the way, here's the *proper scotch* website - if anybody's curious Single molt REAL scotches

masterblaster84 - 2008-02-29 20:14

Vladi, that's one of the most useful posts I've seen in a while. Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-03-01 08:03

The lasts few posts on this thread must've been clipped in the move from Chat... Confused

panasonic.fan - 2008-03-01 08:19

Sorry bout that.

vladi123456 - 2008-03-01 08:56

That was a good idea to remove some comments - some were a little inappropriate, especially by yours truly Laugh Out Loud
Don, glad you think my post is useful - I promise myself to try and buy scotches from the list, but always end up getting black label or glenlivet - depending on how rich I feel on a given day Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-03-01 13:06

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Sorry bout that.

Ah yes...I remember, we were trying to get back on topic as Ira requested and I believe my last comment went something like this...

"Ira I believe I can help us get back on topic. You see eggs, albeit pickled, are often associated with alcohol.! Laugh Out Loud"

Was that it? Big Grin

- 2008-03-01 16:52

SONY CFD-G70 well I had one of these egg's and I sold it real fast as it distorted way too soon

C:My Documents2 Ebay stuff5 Aug 07 SONY CFD-G70 BOOMBOX 320142494607

- 2008-03-01 16:57

Originally posted by gsbadbmr:
g - gotta
s - stop
b - buying
a - all
d - damn
b - boomboxes
m - must
r - relax

Laugh Out Loud


My turn Confused

D - Dunno
E - Every
C - Cassette
E - Even
N - Not
T - Tape
M - Must
A - All
N - Never
4 = 4
Y - Ya'll
O - Over
U - Utopia

Sigh ...

- 2008-03-01 17:02

Well I wish i had a Conion to compare with
but... Me Thinks that My JVC RC 550 Mono Would Blow away Most stereo's boombox's as this is very Loud Outside and inside is the same but outside I really get Noticed With my JVC RC 550 ... I guess because most have never seen one of these either ... James

p.s. I am willing to do comparision's with what i have here and post to ....

Originally posted by gsbadbmr:
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
btw -- i surely did not mean to insult any c100f fans

I don't think you've insulted anyone here...and it appears to me that the Conion isn't all that well liked here on S2G anyways Laugh Out Loud, that's what i'm here for, to defend and represent them Laugh Out Loud ...and i will challenge anybody, anytime with ANY NON modified/stock BBX/Egg...ANYTHING... to do the old "Radio Raheem" battle out on the streets with me...i've blown away everything in my path and never put my Conion past half volume. Kabooms, M90's, 777's (yet to hear a GF-1000), J-1 Jumbos, all of the Panasonics that my friend owns and ALL other boxes in my collection and nothing comes close to the Conion...and i mean nothing. Let me just inform everyone one here that NOT all Conions are equally as loud...i have 3 of my 13 Conions that are just INSANELY powerfull...and stronger than the other ones in my collection.

redben, you do what most people DON'T do...you test and do comparisons and often ASK other members about comparisons between boxes...which IMO is good Big Grin. You like to know what's what and what's available out there on the market that may appeal to you Cool . You're not afraid to buy an "egg" and that's great...just don't expect me anytime soon to get one Wink

If i wanted a nice sounding boombox to listen to at night time without blowing my head off...i would bust out my MINT Telefunken CC-9000...and as a matter of fact it has such incredible sound i have my turntables and mixer hooked up to 24/7 and it gets used now on a daily basis. Anyone here that owns this model Telefunken knows how nice it sounds and knows what i'm talking about. If yours doesn't sound good then it's in desperate need of repair Laugh Out Loud



jovie - 2008-03-01 20:16

Does anyone know how the Panasonic RX-DT707 and RX-DT75 compare to the 3 piece RX-DT680 and RX-DT690.Would the 3 piece units be just as loud and bassy but with better real stereo separation?

redbenjoe - 2008-03-01 21:36

jovie - i have a 680 and some other platinums which are really good -- but when the surround is played on the 707 -- it becomes an entirely better sounding box than any of those others

peter.griffin - 2008-03-01 22:23

Got the DT75 and the DT690, the DT75 has better sound and is louderSmile

- 2008-03-02 02:52

Originally posted by peter griffin:
Got the DT75 and the DT690, the DT75 has better sound and is louderSmile

DT75 has better sound than the dt690 whoa im about to have 2 dt75's Big Grin the other hasn't arrived yet.

oldskool69 - 2008-03-02 11:37

Originally posted by Jovie:
Does anyone know how the Panasonic RX-DT707 and RX-DT75 compare to the 3 piece RX-DT680 and RX-DT690.Would the 3 piece units be just as loud and bassy but with better real stereo separation?

As far as stereo seperation the DT680/690 defnitely have the advantage. Any three piece has the advantage for that matter. As far as bass the advantage would lie with the 3 piece units too as the cabintes can be tuned seperate without the limitations of the main case and internals acting as speaker cabinet as well. Either way the "Eggs" put out wonderful sounds. Big Grin

peter.griffin - 2008-03-02 12:07

Sorry oldskool, but the DT75 puts out better bass then the 690, maybe it's a different case with the 680?

tpr - 2008-03-04 13:22

same thread mkII